Get the Skills to Build Your Freelance Blogging Career
Get Published on All the Right Blogs
Doesn’t matter if it’s a tiny niche blog or one of the biggest on the internet — in this book, you’ll find the advice you need to help you pitch confidently and successfully, time after time.
Trainings & Resources I Recommend
The links below are affiliate links, which means if you buy something through those links then I may receive a commission (thank you!).
Smart Blogger’s
Content Marketing Certification
(Start with a Free Class)

I’ve made a huge profit from everything Jon Morrow has taught me over the years. So when he announced a new content marketing certification program for freelance bloggers, I enrolled myself and worked through it from start to finish to check it was as awesome as it sounded. (It is.)
Using the methods Jon teaches, you can start out getting paid $200+ per post. And when you get your certification, he’ll connect you with friends of his who are ready and willing to hire freelance bloggers at that rate! Sign up for Jon’s free webinar to find out more.
Roadmap to Your First Writing Client

Jon Morrow has trained 1000s of writers (included yours truly) to go from meh to big money. Yep, he was my mentor and now you can get the kind of training and support you need to get your first paying client even if you’ve got no experience or portfolio.
Getting started alone feels hard. Having the right information and training is important, so you can build the skills it takes to get paid $500 to $1000 per post. So, grab Jon’s “Roadmap to Your First Writing Client” to get started…
Freelance Writers Den
If you want to do *other* types of freelance writing (not only blogging), then join the Freelance Writers Den — it’s run by Carol Tice, one of my favourite writing teachers, and contains more than 300 hours of high-quality trainings along with well-staffed advice forums for freelance writers of all kinds and all levels of experience.
The Den only officially opens to new members once or twice a year, but if you join Carol’s waiting list then you’ll get to hear about secret ways to join sooner. 😉
Freedom Machine
Jon Morrow is the reason my blog became popular — I’ve been a student of his for more than 7 years. If you want to make money from your own blog instead of (or as well as) writing for other people’s blogs, then Jon can get you to your goal more reliably and effectively than anybody else I know.
And the best part is, you can watch his how-to webinar for free! Just click the button and tell Jon your email address to get access to the free training. 🙂