Entertainment blogs… you mean celebrity gossip and all those clickbait-y articles I see on social media, right?
Hey, we’re not gonna lie. Those articles fall under the category of entertainment. But you’ll be surprised by the variety of styles and topics in this niche.
And if celebrity antics aren’t your schtick, good news. Most of these publications and sites are interested in hiring freelance writers to write about something else. They already know where to go for famous people info.
So what’s your favorite form of entertainment? Music, TV, books, art, podcasts, video games, online videos, comedy, comics, or something else?
For research, you get to read even more online articles about those topics and keep up with your entertainment obsessions!
(Bonus points if you focus on reading publications that pay well. Like the ones in this list right here, with rates from $50 right up to $4,000+ per article.)
What Exactly Does an Entertainment Blogger Do?
Forget about glitz and glamour. This is about being a good writer and a somewhat obsessed fan.
You’ll probably fall in love with (or already be completely obsessed with) some niche categories in television, film, music, live performance, art, books, video games, or some other way of entertaining people.
You’ll know all the big names, the up-and-coming names, the complete newcomers that show tons of promise, the creators, the writers, and the performers.
You could whip out a listicle on 20 different topics in your favorite genre in 30 minutes. You already know what questions you’re dying to ask at least 10 up-and-coming people in your niche. In other words, this is your world.
You also have to do all the things other freelance writers do, of course. You stay up to date on your niche. (Easy, because you already love it!) You’ve got your favorite publications and editors. You follow and network with them regularly.
And if you’re doing all of that, then you know exactly what to pitch to everyone, because you know what they publish (and what they don’t).
OK, What About How to Become a Humor Writer?
Well… to start off, do you read other funny writers?
Like ANY OTHER freelance writing niche, you start with research (preferably on a subject you already enjoy reading). You’ll be surprised by what fits into this category. Your sense of humor could be dark, dry, silly, or satirical, for example.
True stories and first-person humorous essays are popular formats (and there are several publications that love them on this list). Truth can be stranger than fiction…. and more hilarious, too.
Read. Practice. Repeat.
If humor is something you love writing, you’ll get better by reading it and writing it, just like in any other freelance writing niche.
Where to Find the Best Paying Humor and Entertainment Writer Jobs

Want to write about celebrities, art, culture, books, movies, and more for one of the oldest LGBT+ publications online? The Advocate is always looking for freelance entertainment writers for profiles, news stories, and other articles that appeal to their audience.
- Homepage: https://www.advocate.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.advocate.com/staff
- Pay: We hear $100 to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate writer’s page.
American Theatre

American Theatre‘s print magazine and website publish articles about professional non-profit theatre work. They hire freelance writers for well-written articles on international and US productions, trends in the industry, important events, stage artists, and more. Its readers are mostly theatre professionals.
- Homepage: https://www.americantheatre.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.americantheatre.org/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page with a short bio, photo and a link or two.
Anime Feminist Blog

Attention new writers: The Anime Feminist blog is happy to give you a chance (if you pitch them a great idea, of course). Do you love Japanese pop culture, anime, manga, or other Japanese video games, music, films, or fashion? This blog wants pitches that explore it all through a feminist lens in analysis features, interviews, creator spotlights, and more. Please don’t send finished articles, only queries. You should hear back in a few weeks, if not, send a reminder email.
- Home: https://www.animefeminist.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.animefeminist.com/anifam/contributor-guidelines/
- Pay: $50
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a generous one with a photo and links.
Art Papers

Art Papers is a print magazine and website dedicated mostly to the visual arts. They are looking for feature stories, essays, interviews, and reviews about a specific artist, piece of artwork, artistic theory, and related subjects. Please only send proposals. They will ask for samples of your writing. If you get a yes, you should hear from them within 3 weeks.
- Homepage: https://www.artpapers.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.artpapers.org/work/write/
- Pay: We hear up to $320 (articles range from 500 to 4000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Atlantic Books Today

Atlantic Books Today Magazine and website publish articles about Eastern Canadian books and writers. If you enjoy writing about books and their authors, go have a read of their website. Their editor Chris Benjamin writes for the site too, so go check him out (and follow him if you want to write for Atlantic Books Today).
- Homepage: https://atlanticbooks.ca/
- Contributor info: Find out more about the site here and follow their editor Chris Benjamin.
- Pay: We hear 15 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo and links.

Autostraddle is a lifestyle website for the LGBTQIA+ community. They describe themselves as “a space for lesbians and queer people — especially people of color — to be our entire selves.” Autostraddle tackles many different topics, including television, film, art, and pop culture (from an LGBTQIA+ point of view). Read some articles on subjects you’d like to write about. You’ll have a better chance of getting a yes. They aspire to give their community the confidence to find their own way in life and thrive (through their site and content).
- Homepage: https://www.autostraddle.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.autostraddle.com/submissions/
- Pay: $80-200 per post
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a few sentences, a photo, and a link.
AV Club

The AV Club is part of the giant umbrella of websites that include The Onion and Gizmodo. But this entertainment website publishes real news, interviews, stories, and everything related to entertainment (film, TV, games, music, etc). They sometimes hire new freelance writers (although they like working with writers they already know). You could even get a regular paycheck gig too). Check out their job listings here.
- Homepage: https://www.avclub.com/
- Contributor info: Get their writer guidelines and you can follow their editor Patrick Gomez here.
- Pay: We hear 21 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page with all your other articles.

Backstage is a website where entertainment professionals go to find jobs (and production companies go to find talent). They hire freelance writers and team members too (in case you’re looking for a regular paycheck). Got some experience actors looking for work need and want? Read their site, then go pitch them your ideas.
- Homepage: https://www.backstage.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.backstage.com/team/
- Pay: We hear 14 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page with your other articles.
Bitch Media

Bitch Media runs a magazine and blog with a “feminist analysis of culture.” And by culture, they mean cultural attitudes, social trends, pop culture, and the everyday culture of life. If you like writing about where pop culture, social trends, and cultural attitudes meet, Bitch Media will love you. Read a few entertainment-related articles and you’ll see what we mean. “Discussion-provoking” and “well researched with evidence” are key here for getting picked.
- Homepage: https://www.bitchmedia.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.bitchmedia.org/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $150+ (with $250-1000 for work that makes it into the magazine).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a sentence, a photo, and maybe a link.
Book Browse

BookBrowse is a book review site for fiction and nonfiction books. Mostly adult reading material, but they also do some young adult book reviews. Have a look at some of their reviews to get an idea of how they prefer their reviews. Be prepared to send in writing samples too. They describe their book choices as “very enjoyable to read, with great characters and storylines, but that also leave you knowing something about the world you didn’t before.”
- Homepage: https://www.bookbrowse.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.bookbrowse.com/reviewers/index.cfm/fuseaction/apply
- Pay: We hear $50 for most book reviews.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo on a separate page.

BroBible is a site aimed at bros and other millennial men, featuring news, reviews, entertainment, and opinion — categories include Style, Fitness, Success, and Relationships. Drop them a message to see if they like your ideas and style. They’re looking for freelance writers and staff writers (so get your resumé or writer portfolio ready if you’re looking for a regular paycheck).
- Homepage: https://brobible.com/
- Contributor info: Here’s what BroBible wants you to know before you pitch them. And when you’re ready to pitch, everyone you can contact.
- Pay: We’ve heard $50.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, at the end of each post. A few lines with links.
Broken Pencil

Broken Pencil publishes illustrations, creative fiction, zine and book reviews, news, how-to guides, investigations and much more. You can pitch them an idea, but they’d rather you send an email to introduce yourself with a few great investigative stories you’ve written preferably on art, culture, or political topics. When they’ve got a story that fits, they’ll get in touch to commission a piece.
- Home: https://brokenpencil.com/
- Contributor info: https://brokenpencil.com/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $30 to $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Bust Magazine

Bust calls itself a feminist lifestyle magazine (with a blog). Go have a read of their entertainment sections (movies, music, TV arts, and books) on the website. In the magazine, your entertainment topics will probably fit in the Broadcast and Features sections. And remember to be patient. It takes 2 to 3 months to hear back from them usually.
- Homepage: https://bust.com/
- Contributor info: https://bust.com/info/submit-to-bust-menu.html
- Pay: We hear up to $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a link.

Bustle is looking for first-person stories, interviews, buzz-worthy features, and even personal essays. They’ve got the classic entertainment categories (TV, movies, books, celebrities, and music). Have a look at some of their other articles. And remember to pitch the right editor (depending on the subject of your pitch).
- Homepage: https://www.bustle.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.bustle.com/p/how-to-submit-freelance-pitches-to-bustle-11914601
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.

Buzzfeed, who hasn’t heard of it? The enormous lifestyle site hires freelance writers. They’ve got plenty of categories for entertainment freelance writers wanting to tackle movies, TV, music, celebrities, and books. They even need on-call freelance writers for daily trending stories if you’re interested. Just remember to get familiar with the site category you want to write for before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.buzzfeed.com/
- Contributor info: Here’s a handy guide to pitching and writing for Buzzfeed and another guide for writing essays the Buzzfeed way.
- Pay: We hear 13 to 27 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one with a photo.
C Magazine

C Magazine is a print publication and website focused on contemporary art and criticism. They invite you to introduce yourself to them in their writer’s directory (before pitching anything). When you do send a pitch, make sure to write “pitch” in the subject line with the type of article you want to write (essay, interview, etc).
- Homepage: https://cmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://cmagazine.com/about/submissions
- Pay: 35 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Chicago Reader

Chicago Reader is a local printed newspaper with a blog focused on what’s going on in the Chicagoland area. They occasionally hire freelance writers for their City Life, Comics, News & Politics, and Art & Culture sections. They recommend pitching a short story (300-1000 words max) if you’ve never written for them. And they really want you to send a pitch, not a complete article.
- Homepage: https://www.chicagoreader.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/ReaderFreelanceinformation/Page
- Pay: We hear 23 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Christian Science Monitor The Home Forum

If you’ve got a funny and true story to tell, The Christian Science Monitor’s The Home Forum is a great place to pitch it. They are looking for short first-person essays. Funny stories about everyday life and timely topics related to current events are always welcome. For very seasonal stories, send it in six weeks early.
- Homepage: https://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/The-Home-Forum
- Contributor info: https://www.csmonitor.com/About/Contributor-guidelines/Contributor-Guidelines-The-Home-Forum
- Pay: We hear $75+ (essays are usually 400-800 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.

Cineaste calls itself “America’s Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema.” They publish feature stories, interviews, and reviews. All aspects of the cinema, old and new films, indie films, European films, and films from developing countries.
- Homepage: https://www.cineaste.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.cineaste.com/writers-guidelines
- Pay: $90 for feature stories or interviews (typically 3000-4000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes a few lines.

Clubhouse is a print magazine and website for children from 8 to 12 years old. They are looking for fun stories (both fiction and nonfiction) that kids love to read. Parents buy Clubhouse because it has “wholesome educational material with Scriptural or moral insight.”
- Homepage: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/clubhouse-magazine/
- Contributor info: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/clubhouse-magazine/about/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: 15 to 25 cents per word (most articles pay $150+).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Originally a print magazine, Cosmopolitan also has a prominent blog that occasionally seeks contributions from readers and accepts queries from freelance writers. Read the entertainment section of the website that fits your ideas. Choose from Celebs, Music, Movies, TV, and Books. If this sounds like too big a goal for you, check this out: How I Convinced Cosmopolitan to Publish My Blog Post [And You Can Too]
- Homepage: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/
- Contributor info: Email a query to the appropriate editor. after you read these tips for pitching Cosmopolitan.
- Pay: We’ve heard $100 for online-only articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few lines with links.

Cracked.com publishes comedy and satire on news, politics, TV, movies, popular culture, and more. They’d love to have you create their super popular Pictofacts and Photoplasty (if you like making graphics). They’re still hiring freelance writers for feature stories. They’ll pay you according to article length and your experience level. We hear they pay you more money after you’ve worked with them for a while. If you’ve already got an impressive resumé, they’re also looking for regular columnists too.
- Homepage: https://www.cracked.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.cracked.com/blog/come-write-cracked-everybody21-it-pays-money21/
- Pay: $100 to $250
- Contributor byline: Yes, with a photo.
- Contributor bio: Yes, usually on a separate page with a photo.
Critical Read

Critical Read wants you to write “Artwork Biographies.” And by artwork, they mean much much than just paintings and sculpture. It could be dance performances, drama, classical music, opera, jazz, performance, installation, or visual art. But they don’t want writing about already well-known artists. They’re looking for pitches about worthy lesser-known talent.
- Homepage: https://criticalread.org/
- Contributor info: https://criticalread.submittable.com/submit/85624/pitch-an-artwork-biography
- Pay: We hear $4000+ (for 4000-5000 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes a few sentences.
Culture Eater Blog

Get paid to write about entertainment topics like films, podcasts, video games, literature, TV, fashion, music, theater, and photography on the Culture Eater blog. They’re looking mainly for feature articles. Read through the features section to get an idea of what to pitch them.
- Homepage: http://cultureeater.com.au/
- Contributor info: http://cultureeater.com.au/writers/
- Pay: Up to $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.

Current publishes content for its audience of public radio and television professionals. They’re interested in different entertainment topics than most readers. For example, how public radio and television production are changing during the pandemic or how current trends are changing public programming. They love stories about best practices (in fundraising or leadership for example), “How We Did It” stories, and the challenges stations and networks are confronted with and how they solve them.
- Homepage: https://current.org/
- Contributor info: Here is Current’s guidelines for pitching and writing for them. Mike Janssen is the editor.
- Pay: We hear 75 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo but on a separate page.
East Bay Express

If you’re in the Berkeley, Oakland, or East Bay areas of California, you could do some paid local freelance writing for East Bay Express. They want to know about events, cultural happenings, and music too. They sometimes do travel articles that fit the vibe of the magazine.
- Homepage: https://www.eastbayexpress.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/WritersGuidelines/Page
- Pay: We hear $120 to $600 for news or feature stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Like to write about the intersection of entertainment and gadgets? Write news stories about gaming, movies, TV, music, and online video for Engadget.
- Homepage: https://www.engadget.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.engadget.com/about/
- Pay: We hear 20 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes, with a photo.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one on a separate page with a photo.
Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly (which is a monthly publication now) writes about entertainment news for TV, movies, music, books, theater, gaming, and more. Want to write for this site? Read the site and follow their editors on social media. They don’t publish any guidelines so you’ll have to do your own investigating. But then, if you want to write for any of the top entertainment publications, you’ll need strong research and interviewing skills.
- Homepage: https://ew.com/
- Contributor info: Mary Margaret is the editor. No other submission guidelines are available.
- Pay: We hear 40 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page with all your articles.
Escapist Magazine

The Escapist publishes articles on video games, movies, and TV. But their readers are geeks and gamers, so only entertainment topics that they love. They want well-researched and well-written articles. If you want to do a feature story, expect to include interviews. Op-eds are also possible. Just remember to be patient. If they say yes, they will contact you. If you’ve got an idea for a weekly column, they want to hear for you too.
- Homepage: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/v2/submission-guidelines
- Pay: We’ve heard that some writers negotiated $250.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few lines with a photo but usually no hyperlinks.

Do I really need to tell you what Esquire is? And yes, this print magazine and website hire freelance writers. They publish in all the important entertainment categories like music, movies, TV, and books. Read the articles (and then, keep reading). Please do a lot of reading for any of the big publications before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.esquire.com/
- Contributor info: You’ll find Esquire’s contact info here. The current editor is John Kenney.
- Pay: We hear 15 cents a word for online articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a very short one.

Fanbyte wants your pitches about gaming. If you’re suddenly inspired to send them a non-gaming entertainment pitch based on what you read on the site (and it’s too good to resist), they might say yes. Their writer guidelines are pretty clear. Follow them and read, read, read the site. They’re looking for essays, features, op-eds, previews, interviews, and more. And they’re always looking for guides.
- Homepage: https://www.fanbyte.com/
- Contributor info: Read their well-written guidelines here and follow their editor John Warren.
- Pay: $150-250 for most articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Ummm..yes, there’s room for a bio after your article, but not everyone has them. You can also have a photo.

Fangoria Magazine and blog are looking for stories about literature, TV, video games, graphic art books, comic books, small production and independent films in the horror genre. They’re looking for writers who love horror and are willing to give newer writers a chance.
- Home: https://www.fangoria.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.fangoria.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $50 to $250.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Film School Rejects

Film School Rejects is a blog about movies and the craft of filmmaking. They’re not always looking for freelance writers to do a one-off article. If you’d like to do a limited series or a regular column for the blog, get in touch. They are very interested in multiple article pitches.
- Homepage: https://filmschoolrejects.com/
- Contributor info: https://filmschoolrejects.com/about/
- Pay: We hear 5 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, a photo, and links.
Funny Times

Got a funny story to tell? Funny Times Magazine and website would love to hear them (and publish them). Most subjects are doable. They say “not much is off-limits,” Just make them laugh. And if you’ve got a talent for cartoons, they pay for them too. Just remember to send it the old-fashioned way. Snail mail submissions only.
- Homepage: https://funnytimes.com/
- Contributor info: https://funnytimes.com/about/submissions/
- Pay: $75 for funny stories and $30-50 for cartoons.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Get Abstract

Get Abstract provides summaries of nonfiction books for their subscribers. They’ve got over 20,000 written and audio summaries. And they’re always adding more (at least 1000 additions per year). They hire freelance writers to write their abstracts. But you’ll have to apply to become one of their writers in advance. When they’re looking for new freelancers, they’ll get in touch if your application piques their interest.
- Homepage: https://www.getabstract.com/en/
- Contributor info: https://www.getabstract.com/en/writers/application
- Pay: We hear up to $300.
- Contributor byline: No.
- Contributor bio: No.

You can write about entertainment and culture for Glamour Magazine and blog. You won’t find much guidance for pitching, but this magazine hires freelance writers. Use the their blog or magazine to help you put together a pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.glamour.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.glamour.com/story/masthead
- Pay: We hear 27 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate writer’s page.

Guide is a children’s entertainment print magazine and website for 10 to 14-year-olds. It’s mainly distributed in Seventh Day Adventist Churches. They are looking for true stories about adventure, personal growth, humor, inspiration, biography, or nature. They also love story series if you have a great idea that is too big for 1000 words.
- Homepage: http://www.guidemagazine.org/
- Contributor info: http://www.guidemagazine.org/index.php/good-humor-guy/2312-writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear 7 to 10 cents a word (for 1000-1200 word stories usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Guitar Player

Want to write about guitars, guitar players, equipment, guitar makers, and anything else related to guitars? Read through the Guitar Player Magazine or blog to research their tone, style, and get inspired before pitching.
- Home: https://www.guitarplayer.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.guitarplayer.com/news/about-us-or-contact-guitar-player
- Pay: We hear $250 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo.
Harper’s Magazine

Yep, THE Harper’s Magazine, one of the oldest cultural and literary magazines, also has an online edition — but you’ll still have to send your queries by snail mail. Don’t send them completed articles, just queries to start the ball rolling. (They also accept fiction, with complete manuscripts, but not poetry.) Have a read through the online edition of the magazine to get an idea of what they want. And note that in the old-school literary magazine tradition, they won’t send you a note to confirm they received your query — you gotta wait until you hear a “yes” or nothing at all.
- Homepage: https://harpers.org/
- Contributor info: https://harpers.org/about/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $500-$5,000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Hollywood Reporter

If entertainment news is your schtick, you’re probably already reading The Hollywood Reporter. And if you want to write for this print and digital magazine, you have to read it to know what they want. And follow their editors on social media.
- Homepage: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/p/masthead
- Pay: We hear 33 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you may get a link or two.
Huck Magazine

Huck Magazine writes about art, culture, politics, and news mainly. From an entertainment point of view, think about stories on movies, TV, events, filmmakers, and other artists that are shaping popular culture. And if grassroots activism is involved, they’ll love it even more. Read the site and print magazine before you pitch them (always good advice, but especially for a publication with a wide range of topics like Huck).
- Homepage: https://www.huckmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.huckmag.com/art-and-culture/submissions-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear up to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you might get a Twitter link.
Inuit Art Quarterly

Inuit Art Quarterly is a print magazine and website run by the Inuit Art Foundation. They want you (and everyone else) to know about Inuit artists, hear their stories, and see their work. Read the articles published on the site and in their magazine to get an idea of what types of articles get a yes.
- Homepage: https://www.inuitartfoundation.org/inuit-art-quarterly
- Contributor info: https://www.inuitartfoundation.org/about/who-we-are
- Pay: We hear $200 CDN for online articles (and $250-1200 for print magazine work)
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Yes, you really can write for Jezebel! Have a very good look at the website. Especially the Culture and Books sections if entertainment writing is your goal. We recommend following your favorite editors on Twitter (but we recommend that for any publication really). They don’t provide much guidance for submitting, so you’ll want to use your research skillz to get the goods with this website.
- Homepage: https://jezebel.com/
- Contributor info: https://jezebel.com/how-to-reach-jezebel-5732075
- Pay: We hear 20 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, very short with a photo and maybe some links.

ListVerse wants you to write a….wait for it…list post. And they’ll pay you $100 to do it (if it’s accepted). Look at all the lists they’ve published already. If you’re a freelance entertainment writer, you’ll have plenty of ideas for pop culture lists. They say that unusual or unexpected lists tend to make the cut. You’ll need at least 10 items on your list. And if you can’t receive money by Paypal, you can’t write for them.
- Homepage: https://listverse.com/
- Contributor info: https://listverse.com/write-get-paid/
- Pay: $100 for a list of at least 10 items, with a paragraph or two of explanation per item.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, at the end of each post. A few lines with links and a photo.
Literary Hub

Literary Hub helps its readers find great contemporary literature to read. This publication wants you to think about how culture impacts writers and their work. They want “stories about literary life and culture.” For example, how does a writer or a book fit into its contemporary culture. You could also pitch a personal essay. Just remember to look at how current events and culture impact the point of your essay.
- Homepage: https://lithub.com/
- Contributor info: https://lithub.com/how-to-pitch-lit-hub/
- Pay: We hear 13 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links and a photo.
Metro Magazine Australia

Metro Magazine publishes articles about interviews, essays, reviews, and other types of articles on film and other media in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Write about short films, documentaries, feature films, TV, video games, radio, and other formats. New contributors are always welcome to send pitches or submissions. Before submitting full articles, get familiar with the topics, style, and tone of this publication first.
- Homepage: https://metromagazine.com.au/
- Contributor info: https://metromagazine.com.au/writers/
- Pay: $80 to $700 (Australian)
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.

Observer is an online lifestyle and culture site looking for as they put it “an investigative report, an op-ed, a hot take on a big news story, a reported feature, a profile or Q&A, policy analysis,” to give you an idea. As an entertainment writer, study the Culture, Entertainment, and Arts sections to see what they like.
- Homepage: https://observer.com/
- Contributor info: https://observer.com/how-to-pitch-observer/
- Pay: We hear $100+.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.

Offscreen calls itself an online film journal specializing in independent films, up and coming filmmakers, Canadian films and alternative cinema. They publish director interviews, report on film festivals, and review DVDs. They strongly recommend you review their already published articles before sending a pitch their way. And if you happen to be fluent in French, they have a sister site en français.
- Homepage: https://offscreen.com/
- Contributor info: https://offscreen.com/contribute
- Pay: Up to $150 CDN depending on length (most articles are between 1000-2000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo.
OK Magazine

OK Magazine and blog publish stories, news, interviews, and photo features about many different types of celebrities. Look through the blog to see what kinds of topics and celebrities they love before pitching them your ideas.
- Homepage: https://okmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: Use their contact links.
- Pay: We hear $100 to $800.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate writer’s page.
Oprah Daily

Want to write for Oprah Daily? Yep, the Oprah online magazine is no more. There are no submission guidelines posted, but we know they hire freelance writers. So get out there and do your research (you know, read the site and do some google-sleuthing). Then follow the editors on social media (Twitter or Linkedin usually).
- Homepage: https://www.oprahmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.oprahdaily.com/about/a25805954/contact-us/
- Pay: We heard $2 a word for the print magazine (Oprah Daily probably pays less, but still competitive rates).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one with a photo and a link or two (on a separate page).
Paper Magazine

Paper Magazine is a lifestyle publication and site dedicated to pop culture, fashion, beauty, and entertainment. Read up on their favorite entertainment topics (music, famous people, movies, TV, internet culture, nightlife, and art). You’ll have to follow your favorite editors on social media and read your favorite department’s articles to get an idea of what they want.
- Homepage: https://www.papermag.com/
- Contributor info: Here’s a list of their editors and staff. Kat Gillespie is the features editor.
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
Paste Magazine

Paste doesn’t accept unsolicited queries anymore, but they do occasionally accept new members to their pool of freelance writers. Paste is a lifestyle and entertainment site, so you’ll find plenty of departments to consider: music, movies, TV, comedy, games, books, politics, drinks, and more. Have a look at their online magazine and then contact the department you’d like to write for.
- Homepage: https://www.pastemagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles-article-type-features-/writer-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 8 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.

Polygon publishes articles on gaming, movies, TV, and comics. They’re looking for essays, op-eds, and feature stories. They usually assign reviews to writers they already know. Check out their writer guidelines. They do a fantastic job of telling you what they want to see in your pitch (and they give some great insights on how to write a winning pitch for anyone).
- Homepage: https://www.polygon.com/
- Contributor info: Read this to learn how to pitch Polygon and then find the right person to pitch here.
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo and links on a separate page.
Reader’s Digest

Who hasn’t heard of The Reader’s Digest? And guess what…you can write for them too. They do hire freelance writers. For all you entertainment writers, the Arts & Entertainment, Humor, and even Jokes sections are a good fit (depending on your style). You’ll have to do some social media research and follow your favorite editors. They pay very well, so it’ll be worth the trouble if you dream of writing for this magazine and website. They’re only interested in your pitch. Don’t send any finished work.
- Homepage: https://www.rd.com/
- Contributor info: Here are some important contacts for Readers Digest. Check out their writer guidelines here. You can submit funny stories and jokes here.
- Pay: We hear $1 per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.

Wanna write for the massive lifestyle site Refinery29? They have a few specialist topics they’re looking for right now. But you can still pitch them another idea. Read up on their preferred entertainment topics (books, music, movies, TV, and pop culture). Just make sure it’s in line with their style and hasn’t already been done (or has an amazingly fresh new perspective).
- Homepage: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us
- Contributor info: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2014/04/66412/writing-for-r29
- Pay: We hear $75+.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you do have a writer’s page with all your articles.
Rolling Stone Magazine

Yeah, Rolling Stone Magazine and their website hire freelance writers for music and entertainment articles even though they have a writing staff. What they want from you is timely topics, original reporting, and opinion. They’re very selective. They don’t need your breaking news ideas or reports about events. Read their magazine and site articles thoroughly if this is your dream publication. And make sure your idea is not old news everyone and their mother has already done.
- Homepage: https://www.rollingstone.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.rollingstone.com/pro/news/how-to-pitch-music-business-1042890/
- Pay: We hear $300+
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes. a nice one with a photo on a separate page.

Romper wants stories about every aspect of parenting from a fun and thoughtful perspective. And they have an entertainment section on the website. Go read through the articles if entertainment is your fav writing topic. Just make sure to keep it relevant to parents because everything on the site has a connection with parenting, kids, and momlife.
- Homepage: https://www.romper.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.romper.com/p/how-to-pitch-romper-302
- Pay: We hear $150 for around 1000 words. Typical stories are 800 to 2000 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page with a writer profile

Sasee is a print and digital lifestyle magazine for women in the South Carolina area. They are looking for humor, first-person essays, satire, and other feature stories that appeal to their readers. You can read through their digital archive to get a better idea of their style and already published material.
- Homepage: https://sasee.com/
- Contributor info: https://sasee.com/submissions/
- Pay: $100-200 (for 500-1000 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo.
Sixty Inches from Center

Sixty Inches from Center is an online art blog looking for articles about both traditional and experimental art. They accept interviews, essays, reviews, photo essays, poetry, short stories, and much more. Don’t know what to pitch? They’ve got a list of topics they’d love you to write about for them.
- Homepage: https://sixtyinchesfromcenter.org/
- Contributor info: https://sixtyinchesfromcenter.org/write-for-sixty-2020/
- Pay: Up to $125
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo and links.

Slate hires freelance writers! It’s an enormous general interest site known for writing opinions and analysis. Read the Culture section of the site for entertainment topic guidance. They’ve got all the usual categories (music, movies, TV, books, video games, and sports). They recommend that you do an internet search about your pitch idea before contacting them. They DO NOT want anything that’s been done. Read their articles AND do some research on what other sites have already written too.
- Homepage: https://slate.com/
- Contributor info: https://slate.com/pitch
- Pay: We hear 24 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
Smithsonian Magazine

Want to write for THE Smithsonian Magazine or website? They accept unsolicited pitches from established freelance writers. You’ll need to build up a nice writer portfolio first. Competition will be fierce, so it’s probably a good idea to hone your pitching and writing skills elsewhere. Once you know how to write irresistible pitches, you’ll be ready to write for The Smithsonian.
- Homepage: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/contact/article-submit-website/
- Pay: We hear $400 for online articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a generous one with a photo.

Source publishes articles about the intersection of technology, code, and journalism. They’re looking for content about building tech tools or apps, analyzing news data, interactive feature design, or anything else combining news, code, and journalism.
- Homepage: https://source.opennews.org/
- Contributor info: https://source.opennews.org/contribute/
- Pay: We hear $200 to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo and links.
Star Trek

Star Trek (the website for fans) wants your pitches for essays, features, reports, and more. If you’re a giant Star Trek fan (of any of the shows or movies), this is your chance to write about what you love. They do an excellent job of telling you what they do and don’t want in their writer guidelines. They want to see writing samples before they say yes (from other sites, not your personal or business site).
- Homepage: https://intl.startrek.com/
- Contributor info: https://intl.startrek.com/Pitching
- Pay: We hear 20 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
SyFy Wire

Syfy Wire publishes articles about science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror mostly. Basically movies, TV, games, books, and anything else connected to these genres. They do hire freelance writers, but you’ll have to snoop around their website (and follow the editors) to get a better idea of what they really want.
- Homepage: https://www.syfy.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.syfy.com/contributors
- Pay: We hear 14 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences and a photo with a link or two (on a separate page).
Teen Vogue

Know how to write for teens? Start reading Teen Vogue‘s print magazine or website and get to know their style. Check out their Culture section for an idea of what they like (movies, TV, music, and books). Follow their executive editor on social media. Do some internet sleuthing to find out who the other editors are (and follow them too). Once you’ve got some ideas they can’t resist (and a decent list of published articles) pitch them.
- Homepage: https://www.teenvogue.com/
- Contributor info: Follow their editor Versha Sharma.
- Pay: We hear 30 cents a word for online articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page with all your articles.
The Comics Journal

Do you love graphic arts books and comics? The Comics Journal and blog pay freelance writers for essays, interviews, opinion pieces, and reviews. They recommend you read through the journal or blog to get a feel for what they like publishing.
- Home: https://www.tcj.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.tcj.com/faq/
- Pay: We hear from $80 to $120 for non-fiction essays and other article types.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
The Guardian

The Guardian will consider your unsolicited freelance pitches. Go check out the section you want to write for, start following their editors, and read everything they’ve got that fits in your category. They don’t offer much advice on what to submit, so you’ll have to do your own research.
- Homepage: The Guardian UK or the Guardian US
- Contributor info: https://www.theguardian.com/info/contributing-to-the-guardian-and-observer
- Pay: We hear rates average around 45 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Not really, but you get a photo, a writer’s page, and a few links.
The New Yorker

You could write for The New Yorker Magazine. Seriously. Click the link on their contributor info and you’ll see it in black and white. Their Humor section’s Daily Shouts and Shouts & Murmurs both allow unsolicited submissions. Go read everything they’ve got (if you want to get published on their site and magazine) before you pitch them.
- Homepage: https://www.newyorker.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.newyorker.com/about/contact?verso=true
- Pay: Enough to be on this list.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo and a link or two.
The New York Times Book Review

The New York Times Book Review will not be your first assignment as a freelance writer. But we want you to know that their book reviews aren’t usually assigned to staff writers. And once you’ve built up some street cred, The New York Times could be your next job. This inside look into how reviewers are chosen is pretty eye-opening. It also reminds us that it’s more than ok to specialize and love your preferred niche.
- Homepage: https://www.nytimes.com/section/books/review
- Contributor info: Here’s an inside look at how reviewers are chosen. Pamela Paul is the editor.
- Pay: We hear 80 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one with links.
The Root

The Root is a lifestyle site about, as they put it, “the intersection of blackness and culture, politics, entertainment, and sports, among other pertinent issues.” They may hire you for articles, but at the moment, they are looking for freelance writers to write for them regularly for their audience. So you’ll need to have a strong resumé, be a fast writer, and have some experience writing for a similar audience on subjects like politics, entertainment, culture, and/or breaking news.
- Homepage: https://www.theroot.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theroot.com/do-you-have-what-it-takes-to-write-for-the-root-1840032724
- Pay: We hear 20 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
The Smart Set

At the crossroads of culture and art, you’ll find The Smart Set, an online magazine for those who love to go deeper. They accept book, film, and TV reviews. And personal essays are kinda their favorites. You can write about other subjects too — intellectual curiosity is their middle name.
- Homepage: https://www.thesmartset.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.thesmartset.com/submissions/
- Pay: We hear around 20 cents per word (for 1500-3500 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
The Verge

The Verge wants to talk about as they put it ” the ways that technology and science are changing the way we live.” They publish stories on technology, science and entertainment (and more importantly where these three come together). Think in-depth analysis or op-ed essays on movies and TV, gaming communities, and any way that entertainment and technology combine. Research the site (as they strongly recommend) before you pitch them.
- Homepage: https://www.theverge.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theverge.com/write-for-the-verge
- Pay: We hear 50 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Not really. Just a writer’s page with all your articles.
TV Guide

TV Guide (yep it still exists) hires freelance writers. Now they help their readers decide what to watch (on the oh-so-many platforms now available to keep us entertained). Read the site to get a better idea of what they like and follow their editors on social media.
- Homepage: https://www.tvguide.com/
- Contributor info: Get more info about writing for TV Guide and then go follow their Senior Editor Mandi Bierly
- Pay: We hear 19 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

That bastion of entertainment news, Variety hires freelance writers. But you might want to start your entertainment freelance writing career with a few other publications before you start pitching Variety (if you’re just getting started). Start reading it if entertainment writing is your dream. And if you’ve already got tons of insider experience in entertainment and access to important people in that industry, go for it.
- Homepage: https://variety.com/
- Contributor info: https://variety.com/variety-about-us/
- Pay: We hear 31 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one on a separate page.

Vice is a huge lifestyle site with lots of viral videos and articles. And they hire freelance writers. If entertainment is your thing, read the music, TV, entertainment, and games sections to get an idea of what floats their boat. They’re really looking for original reports, essays, and first-person stories. You could even do an article on another person’s first-person story. And for those of you with a great idea, Vice is looking for pitches for series and columns too.
- Homepage: https://www.vice.com/en
- Contributor info: Check out their contact info here and some helpful pitching advice here.
- Pay: We hear 32 cents a word usually (articles are usually 700-1500 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Vox is a gigantic website that you’ve likely run into on social media already. They cover just about everything worth reporting about. Their Culture section takes on entertainment topics like music, movies, TV, books, award shows, celebrities, and everything else that fits under the umbrella of entertainment. Read what they’ve got and go follow your preferred editors on social media.
- Homepage: https://www.vox.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.vox.com/masthead
- Pay: We hear 19 to 41 cents per word for articles with 1200 to 3000 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences on a separate page.

Vulture is a site owned by New York Magazine and focuses on entertainment news: TV, movies, comedy, music, books, and more. They don’t provide any writer guidelines, so you’ll have to do your own research (read the sections you’d like to write for). To pitch your post idea to them, check out the New York Magazine general pitching info and then reach out.
- Homepage: https://www.vulture.com/
- Contributor info: https://nymag.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021819013-Pitch-Features
- Pay: We’ve heard $50 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Not quite, but clicking the byline brings up an author page.

Wired Magazine and website want you to write stories about how technology, science, and innovation are changing the way we live, think, and do pretty much anything. They tend to accept pitches for their Ideas section the most (essays or feature stories usually). They do occasionally say yes to pitches for their Business, Science, or Service sections too (but in smaller numbers). Their pay rates are based on the length and difficulty of the article (not on whether it’s published in the magazine or the site).
- Homepage: Wired US or Wired UK
- Contributor info: Check out the Wired UK submission guidelines or Wired US pitching guidelines.
- Pay: $1+ a word (so $250 for shorter pieces and $2500+ for features).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links.
This List Needs YOUR Help!
Have you written for one of these blogs? Will you tell us about your experience?
Or do you know of another blog that pays at least $50 per post on entertainment and humor topics?
If you’ve got a tip about a blog that pays writers $50+, please send it to teambafb@gmail.com in exchange for our undying gratitude — thank you for your service.