Lifestyle article writing… FINALLY, something easy, right?
Ummm… well, some aspects of freelancing as a lifestyle writer are easier than others, I guess.
First the good news: There are tons of freelance writing jobs (staff jobs and one-off gigs!) at lifestyle blogs and online magazines.
The bad news: There’s a boatload of competition. Lifestyle bloggers make money in a bunch of different ways, from sponsorships to Google Ads, and plenty of ’em have started to explore freelance writing as an extra income source.
To get in the door here, don’t try to be the freelance writer extraordinaire who writes about anything and everything. Get specialized in a few categories — when you’re an expert in your chosen topics, it’s a lot harder for editors to say no.
If current events, culture, or any of the other very popular lifestyle topics are in your wheelhouse, you’ll have tons of blogs and magazines to pitch.
And the bonus is that most of these lifestyle websites and blogs are ALWAYS looking for content. Once you get your foot in the door, getting regular work will be way easier.
Do Lifestyle Bloggers Make Money Writing for These Sites?
…or is it more like a hobby that pays a little?
Up to you — you can take it as a little extra pocket money, or turn it into a full-fledged freelance writing career. Some of the sites in this list pay several hundred dollars per post. Some pay as much as $1-$2 per WORD. So if you can snag a couple of good posts each week at the higher-paying end of the lifestyle market, you could be raking in thousands of dollars a month!
Can I Really Get Hired to Write for a Big Blog or Online Magazine With No Experience?
I’m not gonna lie to you: when you pitch a big lifestyle publication, you’re not alone. Those editors aren’t sitting around crying about how little email they get! BUT…
Beginners have just as much chance of getting published as anybody else, if you have a strong pitch and you send it to the right person at the right time. And once you’ve got one “yes” from one of these top-ranking lifestyle bad boys (or girls), you’ve suddenly got a stellar recommendation on your resumé that helps you win over the next editor.
If you’re still not convinced that little old YOU can get paid to write for lifestyle magazines online, read How I Convinced Cosmopolitan to Publish My Blog Post [And You Can Too].
Start with the lifestyle sites you already know and read. The better you know a website, or a specific department, the better your chances of getting a “hell yes!” from the editor. And if you don’t already have a mental list of favourite lifestyle sites you could name within 30 seconds, that’s a sure sign it’s time you found some that ring your bell (and that could become fantastic clients too).
Your first challenge: the big, popular lifestyle blogs probably already have articles on your usual topics. So how do you come up with something new and different to offer them?
I’ll say it again: READ THE PUBLICATION. Read it again. Read it to death. And, ideally, love it to death too.
The better you know the publication you’re pitching to, the easier this part is. And if you could make multiple thousands of dollars every year writing for them, it’s worth spending some time and energy reading to make sure you know exactly what’s been published already, and exactly what angles have or haven’t been covered for your pet topics. Plus, you’ll almost always find it easier to write for a publication you actually enjoy reading.
Your second challenge: figuring out which lifestyle sites and online magazines pay their writers a fair rate. No problem — that’s what this list is for!
Lifestyle Blogs and Digital Magazines that Pay Freelance Writers
Abilities Magazine

Abilities is a magazine and lifestyle blog based in Canada for people with disabilities. Their readers already have disabilities, so they’re looking for ideas about how to keep on living their best life. Travel, health, careers, and relationships are just a few of the possible directions you could consider. Have a look at the writer guidelines (and published articles) for more ideas.
- Homepage: https://www.abilities.ca/
- Contributor info: https://www.abilities.ca/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: Starting from $50-$325 for 500-2000 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a sentence or two with no links.

Advocate publishes mostly national news stories important to its LGBTQ+ audience in the US in their magazine and blog. They’re looking for pitches for profiles on prominent gays or lesbians in the arts and media and other LGBTQ+ relevant pitches. Read through the website for more ideas.
- Homepage: https://www.advocate.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.advocate.com/staff
- Pay: We hear $100 to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Aish is a lifestyle site dedicated to Jewish culture and religion. They are interested in articles on the practical everyday use of Jewish wisdom and how it can enhance your life. First-person stories are preferred. And story ideas should be inclusive of all Jewish backgrounds.
- Homepage: http://www.aish.com/
- Contributor info: http://www.aish.com/csp/
- Pay: We’ve heard $200 for 800-1200 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes; only displayed if you click on the byline.
Alabama Living

The Alabama Rural Electric Area of Cooperatives (AREA) has published Alabama Living Magazine (and blog) since 1947. They’re looking for lifestyle articles their mostly rural (or suburban) customers want to read. You can pitch them on day trip and weekend activities in the state, interesting locals, unique restaurants, or anything that focuses on the less populated parts of the state. Read through the digital magazine to get ideas.
- Homepage: https://areapower.coop/news/alabama-living-magazine/
- Contributor info: https://alabamaliving.coop/about/
- Pay: We hear $150 to $250.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Sometimes, ask.
America’s Quarterly

Think of Americas Quarterly as The Economist but focused on Latin America. Business, politics, and culture in Latin America. Its readers are leaders of companies and countries. They do accept proposals from new writers but make sure to read through their published articles to familiarize yourself with the level of research, expertise, and writing you’ll need to get a yes.
- Homepage: https://www.americasquarterly.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.americasquarterly.org/contact/
- Pay: We hear $300-$400 per post on average.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences but no links.
Ashtray Blog

The blog of a UK-based vape vendor, Ashtray Blog features articles, news, opinions, and deals on vaping and e-cigarettes. Their audience is beginners and semi-experienced vapers, so they’re looking for user guides and tutorials as well as other vape-related posts.
- Homepage: https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/
- Contributor info: https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/write-for-the-ashtray-blog
- Pay: Starts from $50 for a 500-word post, with higher pay for more detailed and researched posts.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Uncertain – ask!

Autostraddle is a lifestyle website for the LGBTQIA+ community. They describe themselves as “a space for lesbians and queer people — especially people of color — to be our entire selves.” Have a look at their published articles to get an idea of what they like. They aspire to give their community the confidence to find their own way in life and thrive (through their site and content).
- Homepage: https://www.autostraddle.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.autostraddle.com/submissions/
- Pay: $80-200 per post
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Better Homes and Gardens Magazine

Better Homes and Gardens uses freelance writers for about 10% of its articles. Your best chance of getting a yes is topics like parenting, travel, education, and health. Have a look at their website and magazine to get a better idea of what they want. They’d really prefer that you send a query and not a finished article. Send your query to the “department where the storyline is the strongest.” And you’ll have to mail it to them. Really…snail mail it to them.
- Homepage: https://www.bhg.com/
- Contributor info: You’ll have to use your super-sleuthing skills (read that as research) to find out what they want and who to contact at Better Homes and Gardens.
- Pay: We’ve heard as much as $2 a word for print articles (probably less for online-only work).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Black Youth Project

Black Youth Project is a lifestyle website for black millennials. You’ll have a better chance of getting a yes with topics like pop culture, LGBTQIA+, politics, and feminism. Have a look at the site and already published articles to get a better idea of what they want. They do accept reprints too, but you’ll have to pitch them the same way as a fresh piece.
- Homepage: http://blackyouthproject.com/
- Contributor info: http://blackyouthproject.com/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Bitch Media

Bitch Media runs a magazine and blog with a “feminist analysis of culture.” And by culture, they mean cultural attitudes, social trends, pop culture, and the everyday culture of life. So, for example, parenting, health, politics, and relationships are a part of it too. “Discussion-provoking” and “well researched with evidence” are key here for getting picked.
- Homepage: https://www.bitchmedia.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.bitchmedia.org/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $150+ (with $250-1000 for work that makes it into the magazine).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, but no links.
Bust Magazine

Bust calls itself a feminist lifestyle magazine (with a blog). You’ll need to look at their categories before you send them a pitch. Choose between Broadcast, Real Life, Looks, Around the World in 80 Girls, Features, The Bust Guide, Sex Files, and One-Handed Read. And remember to be patient. It takes 2 to 3 months to hear back from them usually.
- Homepage: https://bust.com/
- Contributor info: https://bust.com/info/submit-to-bust-menu.html
- Pay: We hear up to $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a link.

Bustle is looking for first-person stories, interviews, buzz-worthy features, and even personal essays. Stick to the all-important fashion, beauty, health, relationships, tech, and entertainment categories and you’ll be fine. Have a look at some of their other articles. And remember to pitch the right editor (depending on the subject of your pitch).
- Homepage: https://www.bustle.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.bustle.com/p/how-to-submit-freelance-pitches-to-bustle-11914601
- Pay: We hear 20 to 25 cents a word for 800 to 1000 word stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.

Buzzfeed, who hasn’t heard of it? And the gi-normous lifestyle site hires freelance writers. Check out its different categories: Pop Culture, Sex and Love, Anime, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, or Essays. They even need on-call freelance writers for daily trending stories if you’re interested. Just remember to get familiar with the site before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.buzzfeed.com/
- Contributor info: Read How to write for Buzzfeed or How to pitch Stories to Buzzfeed
- Pay: We hear 50 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Carlsbad Magazine

Carlsbad Magazine and website are looking for lifestyle articles for their local residents and tourists. You can stand out by pitching them articles with a historical perspective or local interviews. They’ve also got columns on these topics: the arts scene, local events, interesting residents, the beach scene, homes, and gardens.
- Homepage: https://www.clickoncarlsbad.com/
- Contributor info: Check the magazine’s free digital version for a full list of the staff with email addresses.
- Pay: We hear 20 to 30 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Chatelaine Magazine

Chatelaine is a Canadian lifestyle magazine and blog. They want articles about health, beauty, news, fashion, and food. When you pitch, you’ll need to specify whether it’s for the magazine or the website. Rigorous fact-checking is their middle name, so be prepared to give them sources for all cited facts and contact info for all interviews. They want pitches not completed articles. And your patience. It may take 6 to 8 weeks for them to make a decision about your ideas.
- Homepage: https://www.chatelaine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.chatelaine.com/about/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear around $1 CDN per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Chicago Reader

Chicago Reader is a local printed newspaper with a blog focused on what’s going on in the Chicagoland area. They occasionally hire freelance writers for their City Life, Comics, News & Politics, and Art & Culture sections. They recommend pitching a short story (300-1000 words max) if you’ve never written for them. And they really want you to send a pitch, not a complete article.
- Homepage: https://www.chicagoreader.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/ReaderFreelanceinformation/Page
- Pay: We hear 23 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Common Ground

Common Ground is a Canadian magazine and blog dedicated mostly to health, wellness, ecology, and personal growth. “Transformational travel” is another topic they tend to accept too. They much prefer to work with writers from or living in Canada. And please, send pitches not finished articles.
- Homepage: https://commonground.ca/
- Contributor info: http://commonground.ca/contributors-guidelines/
- Pay: 10 cents CDN per word (for 600-1500 word articles on average).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links.
Connecticut Magazine

Connecticut Magazine and blog publish feature stories, columns, and short filler articles for its magazine and blog. They’re looking for local writers with experience for researched stories with interviews on Connecticut-only topics. Avoid pitching articles that have been in most other publications or already published here. Find a fresh angle to get their attention.
- Homepage: https://www.ctinsider.com/connecticutmagazine/
- Contributor info: https://www.ctinsider.com/contact/
- Pay: We hear $100 to $1000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Originally a print magazine, Cosmopolitan also has a prominent blog that occasionally seeks contributions from readers and accepts queries from freelance writers. If this sounds like too big a goal for you, check this out: How I Convinced Cosmopolitan to Publish My Blog Post [And You Can Too]
- Homepage: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/
- Contributor info: Email a query to the appropriate editor. after you read these tips for pitching Cosmopolitan.
- Pay: We hear from 25 cents (online story) to $2 a word (feature print story).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few lines with links.
Daily Yonder

The Daily Yonder is a lifestyle site about Rural America. News, Culture, Health, Education, the Economy and every other aspect of life in small-town America. They are very interested to read pitches from journalists, community leaders, researchers, and their own readers about the challenges of life in rural America.
- Homepage: https://dailyyonder.com/
- Contributor info: https://dailyyonder.com/contact-us/#submit
- Pay: We hear $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Dame is looking for reported features, satires, op-eds, and personal essays from women on “politics, reproductive rights, policy, civil rights, race, sex, class, gender, LGBTQIA+, disability, class, media, law, cultural trends, and more.”
- Homepage: https://www.damemagazine.com
- Contributor info: https://www.damemagazine.com/about#submission-guidelines
- Pay: $200 for personal essays, $300-$400 for reported features.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.

Departures is an American Express clients-only online publication focused on the more luxurious side of travel, food, style, the arts, and wellness. If you have access or expertise to any of their preferred topics, send them a letter of introduction with a few relevant pitches.
- Homepage: https://www.departures.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.departures.com/about?linknav=us-departures-headermenu-about
- Pay: We hear from 20 to 30 cents to $1 or more per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Equestrian Living

Equestrian Living Magazine or the EQ Living website are looking for stories about equestrian society. Fashion, style, events, travel, art, and of course equestrian sports. Even fiction and essays. For example, a visit to an interesting ranch or farm or an interview with an important person in equestrian society would get their attention.
- Homepage: https://eqliving.com/
- Contributor info: https://eqliving.com/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: From $100-300 for most feature stories (1200-3000 words average).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Do I really need to tell you what Esquire is? And yes, this print magazine and website hire freelance writers. Choose the right department (Style, Entertainment, Food, Drinks, Sports, Lifestyle or News & Politics). Read the articles (and then, keep reading). Please do a lot of reading for any of the big publications before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.esquire.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.esquire.com/about/a26377/about-us/
- Pay: We hear 15 cents (online articles) to over $1 a word (print stories) for 1500 to 3000 word pieces.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Eureka Street

Eureka Street is an Australia-based blog looking for articles and creative non-fiction on politics, religion, popular culture, or current events. They also publish short fiction and poetry! They’ll consider unsolicited articles of up to 800 words, or you can query the editor via email about an idea for a longer article.
- Homepage: http://www.eurekastreet.com.au
- Contributor info: https://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article/submissions
- Pay: $200 for articles, short fiction, or creative non-fiction. Poetry gets a lower rate.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, one sentence.
Evansville Living

If you live in the Evansille, Indiana area, you could get a sweet gig pitching this lifestyle blog and magazine on local homes, gardens, sports, or restaurants. Make sure to send them a few relevant portfolio pieces with your pitches. Your photography skills (for photo features) will also get their attention.
- Homepage: https://www.evansvilleliving.com/
- Contributor info: http://www.evansvilleliving.com/our-staff
- Pay: We hear $75 to $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Experience Life

Experience Life is a print magazine with a blog for Life Time fitness centers and its members. So they’re focused on health and fitness. But quality of life is also a big part of this publication too. Real Food, Real Fitness, and Real Life are the 3 big sections for their articles.
- Homepage: https://experiencelife.com/
- Contributor info: https://experiencelife.com/about-us/experience-life-writers-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear around $1 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Foreign Policy

As you might expect, Foreign Policy wants articles about foreign policy. But this magazine and website aren’t looking for a specific US (or even a North American) point of view towards foreign policy. Their readers are all over the world. You’ll have to appease 2 different groups here with your articles: get the experts talking about it and make sure the average non-expert reader can follow along and enjoy it.
- Homepage: https://foreignpolicy.com/
- Contributor info: https://foreignpolicy.submittable.com/submit
- Pay: We hear $250+.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Georgia Magazine

Georgia Electric Membership Cooperation has published the Georgia Magazine since 1945. They’re looking for Georgia-only lifestyle articles (especially on interesting Georgians, unique activities, historical, travel, or interview-based topics). You can read through their past issues online to get an idea.
- Homepage: https://www.georgiamagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.georgiamagazine.org/content/contact-us
- Pay: We hear $200 to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Girls Life

Want to write for an audience of tween and teen girls? Girls’ Life Magazine and blog write about beauty, fashion, school, parents, inspiring young women, and everything else teen and tween girls care about. Read through the magazine or the blog to get inspired before pitching your ideas.
- Homepage: https://www.girlslife.com/
- Contributor info: Writer guidelines and staff contact info.
- Pay: We hear $50-300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Glamour Magazine and blog will consider your article pitches on beauty, fashion, wellness, and culture. Check out their editors and directors (and follow them on Twitter). We’ve heard the best way to pitch this publication is through Twitter.
- Homepage: https://www.glamour.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.glamour.com/story/masthead
- Pay: We hear 27 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Good Housekeeping

Yes, you really can pitch Good Housekeeping (and get paid to write for them). To start, try pitching them for the Blessings column. Basically 500 words about something that has been a blessing to you. It could be a person or an event. Stories about health challenges are also welcome. These could be from interviewing someone else as well. By the way, you’ll have to send it to them the old-fashioned way, snail mail.
- Homepage: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/about/a17326/good-housekeeping-contributors-guidelines/#
- Pay: We hear 67 cents per word for a 3000 word feature article.
- Contributor byline: Yes, links to a writer profile.
- Contributor bio: Yes with a link.

The magazine and blog, Guideposts is looking for true stories on how you (or your source) achieved a positive change, reached a goal, or overcame an obstacle through faith in Christ. They’d also really like a spiritual lesson the reader can take away from your story (if you can fit it in there).
- Homepage: https://www.guideposts.org
- Contributor info: https://www.guideposts.org/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We’ve heard $250 for 1,500 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, but only if you click the byline link.
Harper’s Magazine

Yep, THE Harper’s Magazine, one of the oldest cultural and literary magazines, also has an online edition — but you’ll still have to send your queries by snail mail. Don’t send them completed articles, just queries to start the ball rolling. (They also accept fiction, with complete manuscripts, but not poetry.) Have a read through the online edition of the magazine to get an idea of what they want. And note that in the old-school literary magazine tradition, they won’t send you a note to confirm they received your query — you gotta wait until you hear a “yes” or nothing at all.
- Homepage: https://harpers.org/
- Contributor info: https://harpers.org/about/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $500-$5,000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
High Country News

High Country News is a magazine and blog dedicated to the American West. And not the kitschy version either. Their interests fall into a few categories: news & analysis, feature stories, op-ed & essays, and book & other media reviews. Stay away from clichés and stick to the real story (about a community of indigenous people or a specific part of the Western US, for example).
- Homepage: https://www.hcn.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.hcn.org/about/submissions/
- Pay: 25 cents to $1.50 per word (from 750-6000 words depending on which section).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
High Times

Can you really write about cannabis and get paid? Absolutely! High Times is looking for submissions on these topics: Letters to the Editor, Pix of the Crop, and THMQ (what strain are you smoking). You can also pitch the editors with different queries or articles (just remember to keep it under 1200 words if you’re pitching a completed article). If they like it, they’ll get in touch.
- Homepage: https://hightimes.com/
- Contributor info: https://hightimes.com/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $100+ for most articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Honolulu Magazine

Wanna write about Hawaii? Well, this magazine and blog are all about Honolulu and Hawaii. But it’s not really for the tourists. It’s written for locals, so it’s more about the local lifestyle, what’s great, cultural goings-on, new places to eat & shop, and what’s the latest news.
- Homepage: https://www.honolulumagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.honolulumagazine.com/guidelines-for-freelancing/
- Pay: We hear $100-1800.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Informed Comment

Informed Comment is a website focused on the political and cultural interaction between the Middle East and the US. You can expect to find subjects like religion, women’s rights, religious discrimination, but also climate change. The site is very interested in working with reporters, academics, and other writers with original information (and interviews) on these subjects. Previously published articles are sometimes accepted too. And if you’re an author of a book on the right subject, you could even write an opinion piece on a related subject (if it’s newsworthy of course).
- Homepage: https://www.juancole.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.juancole.com/about/freelance-submissions
- Pay: $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.

Yes, you really can write for Jezebel! Have a very good look at the website. And we recommend following your favorite editors on Twitter (but we recommend that for any publication really). They don’t provide much guidance for submitting, so you’ll want to use your research skillz to get the goods with this website.
- Homepage: https://jezebel.com/
- Contributor info: https://jezebel.com/how-to-reach-jezebel-5732075
- Pay: We hear 15 to 28 cents a word for 900 to 1600 word articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.

Kinkly is a website about the wide world of sex. And they’re looking for honest conversations about sex, written in a direct, entertaining way. Posts are typically 500-1200 words.
- Homepage: https://www.kinkly.com
- Contributor info: https://www.kinkly.com/about/contributors
- Pay: We’ve confirmed they’ve paid contributors $50+ per post.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few lines with a photo.
Legion Magazine

Legion Magazine is looking for articles about the military, its history, veteran affairs, current events, law enforcement, and any subject that members of the Canadian military would find interesting. Their readers are mostly members of the Royal Canadian Legion, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (and their families too).
- Homepage: https://legionmagazine.com/en/
- Contributor info: https://legionmagazine.com/en/contributions/writers-photographers-guideline/
- Pay: From $150 to 1200 CDN (for articles from 600 to 3000 words usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

LifeZette is looking for articles on parenting, politics, faith, health, and pop culture. Read their already published articles carefully to get an idea of what it takes to get the yes.
- Homepage: http://www.lifezette.com
- Contributor info: https://www.lifezette.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We’ve heard from $100 to $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.

LightHouse is looking for uplifting lifestyle articles, commentary, and personal essays from blind (or extremely limited vision) writers. And they’d much prefer a pitch than a completed piece. They’re happy to work with you to get your idea ship-shape for publication.
- Homepage: http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog
- Contributor info: http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog/submit
- Pay: $100, or more by negotiation if your article is particularly awesome.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

LiisBeth is an online feminist magazine looking for, in their own words, “writers, journalists, provocateurs, and activists” to write for them. They want you to read some of their articles before you pitch them (and they’d LOVE for you to sign up for their newsletter-hint, hint). They say it may take up to 14 days for them to get back to you (if your idea made the cut).
- Homepage: https://liisbeth.com/
- Contributor info: https://liisbeth.com/contributors/guidelines/
- Pay: Starting at $250 CDN to $2000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Midwest Living

Midwest Living is a bi-monthly lifestyle magazine and a website about the Midwest United States (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas mainly). They tend to hire new writers for “short scouting trips nearby or 300-600 word articles. And photography skills are very appealing to this publication.
- Homepage: https://www.midwestliving.com/
- Contributor info: http://www.midwestliving.com/travel/around-the-region/midwest-living-writers-guidelines/
- Pay: Starting writers make around $150 for short assignments.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Military Officer Magazine

Military Officer Magazine is looking for pitches about recent military history, personal finance, retirement, health and fitness, and other relevant topics for current and retired military and their families. Read through their detailed guidelines and online publications for inspiration.
- Home: Get access to the online publication here.
- Contributor info: Read the writer guidelines here.
- Pay: 80 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
New Internationalist

New Internationalist says their mission is “to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice.” Global inequality, the environment, and liberation struggles are just a few examples of welcome topics. You can also ask to be put on their call-out for pitches for their magazine’s front section “Currents.” They also accept pitches for the website (which has a shorter lead time than the magazine).
- Homepage: https://newint.org/
- Contributor info: https://newint.org/misc/write-for-us
- Pay: We hear $150.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, links allowed.
New Jersey Monthly

New Jersey Monthly is a lifestyle magazine and website dedicated to all things New Jersey (surprise). Written for local people, they are interested in subjects like important New Jersey natives and residents, healthcare, business, culture, local sports, travel, and much more. Everything from a New Jersey perspective of course.
- Homepage: https://njmonthly.com/
- Contributor info: https://njmonthly.com/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $750-2500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a sentence or two.
New York Magazine

New York Magazine does accept freelance pitches! Just don’t send them an unsolicited manuscript. Pitches only! Have a look at some of the already published articles in the many different departments to get a feel for what’s required. And go follow their editors on social media.
- Homepage: https://nymag.com/
- Contributor info: https://nymag.com/contactus/
- Pay: We hear 65 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Observer is an online lifestyle and culture site looking for as they put it “an investigative report, an op-ed, a hot take on a big news story, a reported feature, a profile or Q&A, policy analysis,” to give you an idea. They have a number of sections, such as Technology & Innovation, Business, Culture & Entertainment, Travel, and Arts.
- Homepage: https://observer.com/
- Contributor info: https://observer.com/how-to-pitch-observer/
- Pay: We hear $100+.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.

Australia’s “only radical literary magazine” and site are always looking for insightful non-fiction pieces for the website. Overland Magazine and blog give a few preferred topics on the submission page, but they’re open to other subjects too. Think discussion provoking and you’ll be headed in the right direction.
- Homepage: https://overland.org.au/
- Contributor info: https://overland.org.au/submit/pitch-to-overland/
- Pay: $120 for online articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Paper Magazine

Paper Magazine is a lifestyle publication and site dedicated to pop culture, fashion, beauty, and entertainment. You’ll have to follow your favorite editors on social media and read your favorite department’s articles to get an idea of what they want.
- Homepage: https://www.papermag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.papermag.com/contact-us-1428076715.html?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1
- Pay: We hear 15 to 25 cents per word for 800 to 1300 word stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
Paste Magazine

Paste doesn’t accept unsolicited queries anymore, but they do occasionally accept new members to their pool of freelance writers. Paste is a lifestyle site, so you’ll find plenty of departments to consider: music, movies, TV, comedy, games, books, politics, drinks, and more. Have a look at their online magazine and then contact the department you’d like to write for.
- Homepage: https://www.pastemagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles-article-type-features-/writer-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 8 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Reader’s Digest

Who hasn’t heard of Reader’s Digest? And guess what…you can write for them too. They do hire freelance writers. You may have to do some social media research and follow your favorite editors. They pay very well, so it’ll be worth the trouble if you dream of writing for this magazine and website. They’re only interested in your pitch. Don’t send any finished work.
- Homepage: https://www.rd.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.rd.com/contact-us/ or https://www.rd.com/article/submissions/
- Pay: We hear from 10 cents up to $1 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.

Wanna write for the massive lifestyle site Refinery29? They have a few specialist topics they’re looking for right now. But you can still pitch them another idea. Just make sure it’s in line with their style and hasn’t already been done (or has an amazingly fresh new perspective).
- Homepage: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us
- Contributor info: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2014/04/66412/writing-for-r29
- Pay: We hear 10 cents to 33 cents for 650 word to 2500 word stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you do have a writer’s page with all your articles.
Robb Report

Robb Report Magazine and blog want pitches about luxury products and experiences for their deep-pocketed audience. Their readers aren’t looking for expensive products. They want to read about rich and rare experiences. Read through the magazine and blog to get the idea. You’ll need to show experience writing for this type of audience when sending your pitches.
- Homepage: https://robbreport.com/
- Contributor info: https://robbreport.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $1 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, usually on a separate author’s page with a photo.
Sacramento Magazine

Sacramento Magazine and blog are looking for local writers for lifestyle articles mostly for their regular columns on the following topics: home & garden, business, local profiles, the arts, local travel, and health. Flip through their online magazine or blog to get ideas before sending a pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.sacmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.sacmag.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $400 to $800.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get an author’s page on the blog.
Savannah Magazine

Savannah Magazine and blog publish articles on home decor, health, food, weddings, and events in the Georgia and South Carolina coastal area. You can stand out from the crowd with pitches that include historical details and local interviews.
- Homepage: https://www.savannahmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.savannahmagazine.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $100 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get an author’s page.
Scout Life

If you want to pitch the Scout Life Magazine and blog, start with the 100 ways they can earn a merit badge or flip through this year’s past issues. Their readers are mostly boys and girls from 5 to 17 (but mostly tweens). Read their detailed writer guidelines before pitching.
- Home: https://scoutlife.org/
- Contributor info: https://scoutlife.org/contact-us/resources-for-contributors/
- Pay: from $100 to $1200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Skirt! is a monthly online magazine that publishes freelance writers’ personal essays on women’s issues. Check the “Contribute” page for the topics/themes they’re looking for each month. (Skirt! also publishes blog posts in between magazine issues, but you only get paid for essays in the monthly magazine.)
- Homepage: https://www.skirt.com
- Contributor info: https://www.skirt.com/become-a-contributor/
- Pay: $200 for online magazine articles of 800 to 1,100 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.

Slate hires freelance writers! It’s an enormous general interest site known for writing opinion and analysis regardless of which department gets your interest (politics, news, business, technology, and culture are the main ones). They recommend that you do an internet search about your pitch idea before contacting them. They DO NOT want anything that’s been done. Read their articles AND do some research on what other sites have already written too.
- Homepage: https://slate.com/
- Contributor info: https://slate.com/pitch
- Pay: We hear 24 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, but on a separate page.
Spirituality and Health Magazine

They call themselves Spirituality & Health, and they mean it. This print magazine and online blog cover most topics around religion, spirituality, health, wellbeing, and anything related to it. From mainstream religion to holistic medicine and the environment. Most approved submissions are published on the website (because they’ve got more room there). And if you’re an expert, you might hear back from them faster (hint, hint).
- Homepage: https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/submissions
- Pay: We hear $200-500 per article. Articles range from 500-3000 (but 600-800 is typical).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, plus a writer’s profile on a separate page too.

Tablet is a print magazine and website dedicated to “Jewish news, ideas and culture.” The print magazine is on pause for the moment. But they’re still interested in your pitches for the website. They strongly recommend you read some articles before sending your pitch to the right editor. Tablet will not accept finished articles, opinion, or fiction.
- Homepage: https://www.tabletmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.tabletmag.com/about#about-us
- Pay: We hear $150 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, but no links.
Tallahassee Magazine

If you’re in the Tallahassee, Florida area, take a look at the Tallahassee Magazine and blog for potential freelance writing gigs. They’re looking for essays, historical pieces, interviews, photo features, and much more connected to the Central Florida-Tallahassee area. Read through the online magazine or blog for inspiration.
- Homepage: https://www.tallahasseemagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.tallahasseemagazine.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $75 to $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get an author’s page.
The American Conservative

The American Conservative is a magazine and website focused on conservative politics and other subjects related to it (usually political, social, economic, or cultural). They advise you to “peruse” their website or magazine before sending your pitch or draft. And if you don’t hear from them in 7 days, consider it a no.
- Homepage: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $150+ (usually 800 to 1500 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
The American Scholar

The American Scholar is the magazine and website of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. They are looking for mostly non-fiction submissions. They accept work from “known and unknown writers” but they do not accept unsolicited fiction or book reviews. They say the best way to know what sort of work to submit is to read the magazine.
- Homepage: https://theamericanscholar.org/
- Contributor info: https://theamericanscholar.submittable.com/submit
- Pay: We hear $100-500 (depending on where it’s published and other details).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
The Atlantic

Freelance writers really can write for The Atlantic magazine (and website). One of the oldest print magazines still in publication is looking for fiction, non-fiction, and even book reviews. For your nonfiction pitches, contact the right editor (Politics, Culture & Books, Science, Technology & Health, Family, Education, Global, or Ideas).
- Homepage: https://www.theatlantic.com/world/
- Contributor info: https://support.theatlantic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011374734-Submit-a-piece-for-editorial-consideration-at-The-Atlantic
- Pay: We hear $150-1600.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes a few sentences.
The Diplomat

The Diplomat is a print magazine and website dedicated to reports, commentary, and analysis of the Asian continent and Pacific islands. They are much more interested in original reporting and analysis, in case you’re wondering. They accept pitches and completed articles. If you’d like to be paid for your work, make sure to say so in your pitch. Paid work must be requested (and agreed to) at the beginning.
- Homepage: https://thediplomat.com/
- Contributor info: https://thediplomat.com/write-for-us/
- Pay: We hear $250 (for 400-1200 words on average).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, and a very generous writer profile on a separate page.
The Ferret

The Ferret wants exclusive articles about issues important to residents and natives of Scotland. They’re also interested in photography, video, audio, and anything else you can put on a website (if it’s related to their focus). Please don’t send them a completed story. Pitch them first.
- Homepage: https://theferret.scot/
- Contributor info: https://theferret.scot/pitch-us-story/
- Pay: 120£ for most stories (maybe more for really great stories).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
The Green Parent

The Green Parent is a UK print magazine with a blog as well. They are all about living a green lifestyle, so they’d love to see pitches about all aspects of life (and parenthood) from an ecologically conscious perspective. They especially like first-person stories about your real-life experiences (that connect with their eco-friendly focus).
- Homepage: https://thegreenparent.co.uk/
- Contributor info: https://thegreenparent.co.uk/about/write-for-us
- Pay: 75£ per 1000 words. The average full-length feature is 1500-2000 words. Short opinion pieces are 600 words.
- Contributor byline: No.
- Contributor bio: No.
The Nation

The Nation is a magazine and website dedicated to left and liberal political opinion and commentary. They accept pitches about national and international topics. For US topics, they really like “civil liberties, civil rights, labor, economics, environmental, privacy & policing, feminist issues & politics.” But domestic issues need to be important enough to interest their readers from all parts of the US. And they even accept poetry.
- Homepage: https://www.thenation.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.thenation.com/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $225 and up for features (from 1500 to 6000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
The Progressive

The print magazine and website, The Progressive is looking for investigative reports on current events (related to their progressive focus). They also would love articles on social movements, activism, and even foreign policy (just remember that their readers are mainly Americans). And be ready to show your sources for all reports. You can even submit poetry to this publication.
- Homepage: https://progressive.org/
- Contributor info: https://progressive.org/about-us/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear as much as $1300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
The Root

The Root is a lifestyle site about, as they put it, “the intersection of blackness and culture, politics, entertainment, and sports, among other pertinent issues.” They may hire you for articles, but at the moment, they are looking for freelance writers to write for them regularly for their audience. So you’ll need to have a strong resumé, be a fast writer, and have some experience writing for a similar audience on subjects like politics, entertainment, culture, and/or breaking news.
- Homepage: https://www.theroot.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theroot.com/do-you-have-what-it-takes-to-write-for-the-root-1840032724
- Pay: We hear 20 to 25 cents a word for 800 to 1000 word stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
The Sun

The Sun is a print magazine and website that describes itself as “personal, political, provocative.” They are looking for essays, fiction, and poetry. They especially love personal stories about political or cultural matters. They also accept interview queries. Send them a pitch about an interview you’d like to do for them first. They also buy black and white photographs and photo essays if you’ve got a talent for it.
- Homepage: https://www.thesunmagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.thesunmagazine.org/submit
- Pay: $300-2000 (usually for essays or interviews).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page, links allowed.
Town & Country

Town and Country Magazine and blog hire freelance writers specializing in their luxury, upscale niche. You’ll likely get your first chance writing front-of-the-book articles (so read them first). You could email them, but they’d prefer you send your letter of introduction and pitches by snail mail first. Make sure you’ve got relevant portfolio pieces that show off your knowledge of their well-to-do readers.
- Homepage: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/about/a825/about-us/
- Pay: We hear $2 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.

You’ve probably already watched a viral Upworthy video or short article on social media. They’re known for publishing stories that are uplifting and meaningful. Even though they tend to be short, they want you to write an article that impacts people and gets their attention. They’re even open to you repurposing stories that you’ve already written elsewhere (if it’s legally allowed of course).
- Homepage: https://www.upworthy.com/
- Contributor info: Here is where you submit your pitch to Upworthy and here are some tips on getting accepted.
- Pay: We hear $200+ (the average article is 600 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice writer profile on a separate page.

Verily is a women’s lifestyle blog focusing on fashion, beauty, relationships, culture, and health. If you’re thinking of submitting photos as part of your story, be aware that they have a “no Photoshop” policy on fashion and beauty photos.
- Homepage: https://verilymag.com/
- Contributor info: Check out their calls for submissions or their work with us page.
- Pay: We’ve heard $50+.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, with links and a photo.

Vice is a huge lifestyle site with lots of viral videos and articles. And their lifestyle department hires freelance writers for subjects like health, wellness, self-care, sex, relationships, and plenty more. They’re really looking for original reports, essays, and first-person stories. You could even do an article on another person’s first-person story. And for those of you with a great idea, Vice is looking for pitches for series and columns too.
- Homepage: https://www.vice.com/en
- Contributor info: https://www.vice.com/en/page/vice-about or
- https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbmx3a/pitch-guidelines-for-the-vice-life-desk
- Pay: We hear 32 cents a word usually (articles are usually 700-1500 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Vox is a gigantic website (that you’ve likely run into on social media) mostly focused on news. They want to give context to news stories. And they pay for first-person stories or essays. About big events happening near you? Absolutely, yes. You can also pitch your personal stories about parenting, jobs, relationships, money, and other important everyday issues. They’re interested to hear your story even if you’re not a pro writer yet. Send them a pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.vox.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.vox.com/2015/6/12/8767221/vox-first-person-explained
- Pay: We hear 19 to 41 cents per word for articles with 1200 to 3000 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences on a separate page.
Wellbeing Magazine

Wellbeing Magazine is an Australian publication with a blog. They are very interested in all aspects of health and spirituality. Some subjects you could write about are natural health, the environment, fitness, travel, and first-person stories (related to wellbeing). You can also write for the site, but they pay for magazine articles only.
- Homepage: https://www.wellbeing.com.au/
- Contributor info: https://www.wellbeing.com.au/contribute
- Pay: From $150 AU to 1700 (depending on the length and type of story).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice bio with links.
West Suburban Living

If you live in the West Suburbs of Chicago, take a look at this lifestyle magazine and blog. This area includes 50 different suburban towns (so you’ve got tons of room for inspiration). You can pitch them on a wide variety of topics like travel, local interviews, health, wellness, restaurants, events, and interesting shops.
- Homepage: https://www.westsuburbanliving.net/
- Contributor info: https://www.westsuburbanliving.net/site/contact.html
- Pay: We hear $75 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
World Politics Review

World Politics Review is a magazine and website dedicated to, as they put it “thoughtful, non-partisan, insightful analysis of the most pressing international issues of the day.” Their readers are business people, academics, and policymakers from around the world. They’re most interested in short articles that give context on a specific issue or event or longer feature articles that go in-depth on one issue (usually with expert interviews and original reporting).
- Homepage: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/
- Contributor info: https://intercom.help/world-politics-review/en/articles/1723157-contributor-guidelines
- Pay: $250 is the standard payment for shorter articles 1000-1200 words). Features can be negotiated for more (usually 3000-4000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
Yes Magazine

Yes Magazine and blog want pitches on health, social justice, the economy, faith, democracy and other related topics. Read through the quarterly magazine or blog for ideas (and read their detailed submission guidelines before sending a pitch).
- Homepage: https://www.yesmagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.yesmagazine.org/about-writers-guidelines-submissions
- Pay: We hear $50 to $1000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one with a photo.
Youth Today

Youth Today is a magazine and blog that covers just about any issue involving youth and the adults who work on their behalf, from direct-care services, health, and juvenile justice to government policies and legislation, funding for youth programs, and youth development.
- Homepage: http://youthtoday.org
- Contributor info: https://youthtoday.org/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $150 up to $2,000
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
This List Needs YOUR Help!
Have you written for one of these blogs? Will you tell us about your experience?
Or do you know of another blog that pays at least $50 per post on lifestyle topics?
If you’ve got a tip about a blog that pays writers $50+, please send it to teambafb@gmail.com in exchange for our undying gratitude — thank you for your service.
Many thanks for the article, Suzanne. Great resource.
You are very welcome 🙂
We’d love to hear how your pitching went.
Thanks! Glad you love it!