Think nobody’s looking for freelance politics writers?
Think again. Black Lives Matter, vaccine mandates, climate change, and fair wages are still making headlines. If it affects their readers, blogs and magazines want to publish it.
Social justice, politics, and the people fighting for or facing hardship because of public policies aren’t going away. If you love writing about these emotion-triggering topics, get ready to start pitching.
You may run out of time or energy…but you won’t run out of publications to pitch.
Are There Enough Politics Writer Jobs Out There to Make a Good Living?
If your heart only beats for political writing jobs…
You can definitely spend a big chunk of your time writing for politics blogs. We don’t recommend focusing on just one niche as your favorite, but politics, current events, and social justice are the niches that keep on giving.
You can work your politics or social justice angle into a long list of publications (because every editor loves timely articles that grab their readers’ attention and emotions).
The 62 blogs and magazines listed here are just the tip of the iceberg. These sites made this list because they’re heavily focused on politics and social justice. But your political pitches will be welcomed with open arms in many more publications than we’ve listed here.
Do your research on almost any publication and you’ll find political topics their readers can’t resist.
Can I Write about My Opinions as a Freelance Political Writer?
You’ll find some opportunities to write political essays and even a few op-ed articles. But…
Editors don’t want your political opinion (unless you’re a recognized expert, of course). Your dreams of getting paid to rant about “what you think is wrong or right in the world” aren’t coming true. Well…not as a freelance writer.
No matter what topic you write about, you’ll need expert opinions and verifiable facts.
Most politics blogs are looking for fact-based research and expert interviews for your reported articles. They’ll want you to document your sources. And then, they’re going to check them (and if they don’t…walk away).
Writing politics, social justice and, current events stories is no different than any other niche. No one’s really looking for you to insert your opinion in the article in most cases.
Get excited about telling the story through other people’s experiences (not yours).
62 Political Writing Jobs That Pay $50-$1600+
1. Alternatives Journal

Alternative Journals is a Canadian magazine and blog publishing ecology and environment stories (in essay, journalistic, and academic styles). Research, politics, climate change, and sustainability are their preferred topics. Sign up for their newsletter to receive calls for proposals on specific themes. They’re interested in investigative features, reports, interviews, profiles, guides, and more.
- Homepage: https://www.alternativesjournal.ca/
- Contributor info: https://www.alternativesjournal.ca/contributor-guidelines-submitting-an-article/
- Pay: We hear 10 cents a word
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
2. American Educator

American Educator is the official journal for the American Federation of Teachers. This publication is always looking for articles about how children learn, curriculum, instruction, and other continuing education for teachers topics. But…politics and social justice ideas like protecting academic freedoms, how to confront bias, international affairs, and labor matters are also welcome subjects (and a quick look at any current affairs site will give you even more political education-relevant topics).
- Homepage: https://www.aft.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.aft.org/article-submission-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $300 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
3. America’s Quarterly

You could call Americas Quarterly a Latin American version of The Economist. Business, politics, and culture in Latin America. Its readers include leaders of companies and countries. Most of their articles are commissioned. They do occasionally accept proposals from new writers. Make sure to read through their published articles to familiarize yourself with the level of research, expertise, and writing you’ll need to get a yes.
- Homepage: https://www.americasquarterly.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.americasquarterly.org/contact/
- Pay: We hear $300 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences but no links.
4. America Magazine

America Magazine and blog regularly publish social justice and political stories that appeal to their readership of educated Catholics (mostly laypeople, not clergy). Opportunities for pitching political articles are almost exclusively in the features section. Reported stories, essays, and examination of current events, politics, and social justice issues from a Catholic perspective are very welcome. Search through other similar stories for more guidance on pitching.
- Homepage: https://www.americamagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://americamedia.submittable.com/submit
- Pay: We hear 25 to 38 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
5. Autostraddle

The Autostraddle blog describes itself as “a space for lesbians and queer people — especially people of color — to be our entire selves.” Autostraddle takes on mostly LGBTQIA+ lifestyle topics (including queer politics and social activism). Read up on their politically motivated stories, so your pitch will have a better chance of getting a yes. Their vibe is all about giving their community the confidence to find their own way in life and thrive.
- Homepage: https://www.autostraddle.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.autostraddle.com/submissions/
- Pay: $80 to $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
6. Bitch Media

Bitch Media runs a quarterly print magazine and blog with a “feminist analysis of culture.” Good news freelance bloggers, they publish on the website 5 days a week. Politics and social activism are topics they love. Tips for pitching this pub: read their blog and pitch them a fresh new angle on a hot topic they already love. You can send completed articles, but we recommend sending pitches only. “Discussion-provoking” and “well researched with evidence” are key here for getting picked.
- Homepage: https://www.bitchmedia.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.bitchmedia.org/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $150 to $1000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, but no links.
7. Boston Globe Magazine

The Boston Globe Magazine and blog are open to paid writer submissions for their Perspectives column. The perfect opportunity for a political story. They’re looking for timely news topics (social justice and politics are always in the news and practically guaranteed to get readers’ attention). Ways to win a byline here, focus on a local issue or a national issue with major local impact. And make sure your query is unique and not like all the other ones in their inbox.
- Homepage: https://www.bostonglobe.com/magazine/
- Contributor info: https://www3.bostonglobe.com/magazine/aboutthemagazine/?arc404=true
- Pay: We hear 78 cents a word for an 800-word essay.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
8. Briarpatch Magazine

Writers with little to no experience, Briarpatch Magazine and blog will work with unpublished writers (and experienced freelancers too). What do they love? Social justice issues in Canada, grass-roots activism, economic justice, indigenous issues, gender equity, and international matters with a strong connection to Canada. You can pitch online-only stories, but you’ll get paid more for magazine articles (2-month lead-time usually). Check out their posted editorial calendar and detailed writer guidelines.
- Homepage: https://briarpatchmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://briarpatchmagazine.com/submissions
- Pay: $100 for 1500-word profiles and online only articles, $200 for 2000-word features, and $300 for investigative reports (usually 2000-2500 word stories).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
9. Business Insider

You can write political stories for Business Insider (in the form of personal essays, reported features, how-tos, profiles, and more). Their advice to you: read the site. Make sure your idea isn’t like all the others (on this site or elsewhere). Their writer guidelines are clear and they even recommend some articles to read for a better idea (in the different article type categories).
- Homepage: https://www.businessinsider.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-write-for-business-insider-2020-4
- Pay: We hear from 20 to 35 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
10. Buzzfeed

It’s no secret, Buzzfeed loves politics and social justice. This enormous lifestyle site definitely hires freelance writers for political stories. And while you’re researching for great pitch topics, remember it’s a pop culture lifestyle site (so make sure your hook appeals to their readers). They even need on-call freelance writers for daily trending stories if you’re interested. Study the site (and don’t pitch them anything you’ve already seen elsewhere).
- Homepage: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeedstaff/how-to-write-for-buzzfeed
- Pay: We hear around 10 to 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
11. Christian Century

The Christian Century Magazine and blog regularly publish articles that meet at the intersection of Christian faith, politics, and current affairs. Topics like social justice, poverty, popular culture, and human rights are popular in this publication. Their readers are usually well-versed in theology, the bible, and may have even studied at seminary. You can write for their blog, but paid stories are for their print magazine at this time. Book reviews are also possible (but always commissioned).
- Homepage: https://www.christiancentury.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.christiancentury.org/submission-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $100 to $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
12. Christian Courier

The Christian Courier is looking for stories on social justice and politics for their reformed protestant readers in Canada. The submission guidelines are extremely light, so you’ll have to read through the blog to get ideas for topics to pitch this publication. Current events and politics that impact their readers are a high priority for their content calendar.
- Homepage: https://www.christiancourier.ca/
- Contributor info: https://www.christiancourier.ca/write-for-us/
- Pay: From $50 to $70 usually.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo.
13. Christian Science Monitor

The Christian Science Monitor and website hire freelance writers for politics writing jobs (and much more). If this is your first rodeo with The CS Monitor, send them a fully written story on spec. That means they can choose to buy your article or not. Once you’ve written for them a few times, you’re more likely to get commissioned work. Good news: their print edition is published weekly while the website is updated daily. Figure out which editor needs to see your full article or pitch (and check for additional guidelines for each editor too).
- Homepage: https://www.csmonitor.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.csmonitor.com/About/Contributor-guidelines
- Pay: We hear 25 to 36 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page with a photo.
14. Christianity Today

Christianity Today Magazine and blog are always looking for relevant current events and political stories for their readers. They’d prefer you send them a pitch for an online or print article, so they can work with you to make sure it fits their voice, tone, message. Read their writer guidelines and the magazine (or blog) to get a feel for their style (and make sure you’re not pitching them something they’ve already published). Their readers are evangelical Christians of many different denominations. You can send pitches for profiles, feature stories, interviews, book reviews, and even opinion pieces. You should hear back from them within 3 weeks.
- Homepage: https://www.christianitytoday.com/
- Contributor info: https://help.christianitytoday.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047411253-How-do-I-write-for-CT-
- Pay: We hear 16 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
15. Civil Eats

The Civil Eats blog writes about food politics (and much more). The people who grow, prepare and deliver your food to you, what happens between the farm and your table, and other stories that rarely get attention are their favorite subjects. So many opportunities for political and social justice freelance writers here. They do news stories, features, first-person commentary, interviews, listicles, and even photo essays or videos. Their recommendation: sign up for their newsletter and read their blog before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://civileats.com/
- Contributor info: https://civileats.com/about/faq-for-contributors/
- Pay: We hear $350 (for 1400 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, a photo, and links.
16. Common Ground

This Canadian magazine and blog are dedicated mostly to health, wellness, ecology, and personal growth. Politics and social justice writers will find oodles of opportunities for topics here. Justice and politics are front and center on this site. Good news Canadian writers, they really want to work with you (although if you’re not based in Canada, they might still say yes to your pitch too). Please, send pitches not finished articles.
- Homepage: https://commonground.ca/
- Contributor info: https://commonground.ca/contributors-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 10 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links.
17. Daily Yonder

The Daily Yonder blog publishes news and analysis about Rural America. All the important topics for Americans living in rural areas (which includes Government, Politics, Tribal Affairs, and other politically charged subjects). They are very interested to read pitches from freelance writers, journalists, community leaders, researchers, and their own readers about the challenges of life in small-town America.
- Homepage: https://dailyyonder.com/
- Contributor info: https://dailyyonder.com/about-us/
- Pay: We hear $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
18. Dame Magazine

Politics and social justice-loving writers, start your engines. This magazine wants pitches on topics like reproductive rights, civil rights, race, sex, class, gender, LGBTQ, and disability. They want a new perspective on old news and stories that no one else is telling (that need to be heard). Thoughtful analysis is their middle name. Study their site for more details on sending in a winning pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.damemagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.damemagazine.com/about/#submission-guidelines
- Pay: From $150 (for essays) and $300 to $500 for reported stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
19. Eureka Street

Eureka Street is an Australia-based blog looking for articles and creative non-fiction on politics, religion, popular culture, or current events. They also publish short fiction and poetry! They’ll consider unsolicited articles of up to 800 words, or you can query the editor via email about an idea for a longer article.
- Homepage: http://www.eurekastreet.com.au
- Contributor info: https://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article/submissions
- Pay: $200 for articles, short fiction, or creative non-fiction. Poetry gets a lower rate.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, one sentence.
20. Food First

Food First is the blog for the Institute for Food and Developmental Policy. Their main goal as a think tank is to “end the injustices that cause hunger.” So timely topics that touch this mission are a good fit. You’ll want to read through their blogs, briefs, or reports (according to what you want to send them). You can send a proposal, outline, or complete manuscript (depending on what it is and its length). They offer payment for Backgrounders, Issue Briefs, Policy Briefs, and Development Reports (but not blog posts.).
- Homepage: https://foodfirst.org/
- Contributor info: https://foodfirst.org/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $300
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
21. Foreign Policy

As you might expect, Foreign Policy accepts political articles. But this magazine and website aren’t looking for a specific US (or even a North American) point of view towards international politics. Their readers are all over the world. You’ll have to appease 2 different groups here with your articles: get the experts talking about it and make sure the average non-expert reader can follow along and enjoy it. Their recommendation: read the site and the magazine before pitching them anything.
- Homepage: https://foreignpolicy.com/
- Contributor info: https://foreignpolicy.submittable.com/submit/
- Pay: We hear from 21 to 45 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
22. Guernica

Guernica is a non-for-profit blog publishing interviews, essays, and reports on social justice and political topics from around the world. Expect to wait at least 12 weeks or more for an answer (and they promise they read every submission) from a 100% volunteer editorial team. If you’ve got some fantastic fiction or poetry that fits this blog, consider submitting it too. As always read through the blog before pitching anything (and make sure to submit to the right category).
- Homepage: https://www.guernicamag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.guernicamag.com/about/submissions/
- Pay: $100 for essays and $150 for reports.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
23. Harper’s Magazine

Could you really get your politics article ideas published in Harper’s? Maybe. If you don’t pitch them, that answer is a big fat no for sure. THE Harper’s Magazine, one of the oldest cultural and literary magazines, has an online edition — you’ll still have to send your queries by snail mail. Please don’t send them completed articles, just queries to start the ball rolling. Do your research before you send off an irresistible pitch or two. And note that in the old-school literary magazine tradition, they won’t send you a note to confirm they received your query — you gotta wait until you hear a “yes” or nothing at all.
- Homepage: https://harpers.org/
- Contributor info: https://harpers.org/about/submissions/
- Pay: We hear from 25 cents to $1 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
24. High Country News

High Country News is a magazine and blog dedicated to the American West. And not the kitschy version either. Three big political topics they love: Indigenous Affairs, Public Lands, and Immigration (and you’ll find many more with a little research). You could write news & analysis, feature stories, op-ed & essays, and book & other media reviews for them. Read through their site or magazine for tips on winning pitches.
- Homepage: https://www.hcn.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.hcn.org/about/submissions
- Pay: From 25 cents to $1.50 a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
25. Informed Comment

Informed Comment is a website focused on the political and cultural interaction between the Middle East and the US. You can expect to find subjects like religion, women’s rights, and religious discrimination. The site is very interested in working with reporters, academics, and other writers with original information (and interviews) on these subjects. Previously published articles are sometimes accepted too. And if you’re an author of a book on the right subject, you could even write an opinion piece on a related subject (if it’s newsworthy, of course).
- Homepage: https://www.juancole.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.juancole.com/about/freelance-submissions
- Pay: We hear $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
26. Jacobin Magazine

The Jacobin Magazine and its blog call themselves “the leading voice of the American Left.” If you’re a left-leaning politics writer interested in the socialist point of view on life, culture, politics, and the economy, you’ve found your home. They’ll happily consider your complete essay (keep it under 2000 words) or you can send them an abstract. Read through their quarterly printed magazine or blog to get a feel for what works here.
- Homepage: https://jacobinmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://jacobinmag.com/contact
- Pay: We hear from $50 to $125 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
27. Jezebel

You’ll find plenty of political stories at Jezebel. This blog calls itself a “supposedly feminist website” (so we’ll let you guess what types of stories their readers want to read). As for how to pitch them, you’ll have to do your own research (you won’t find much in the way of writer guidelines here). We recommend following your favorite editors on Twitter or Linkedin (fortunately, they do give you a nice list of them).
- Homepage: https://jezebel.com/
- Contributor info: https://jezebel.com/how-to-reach-jezebel-5732075
- Pay: We hear 15 to 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
28. JSTOR Daily

Just when you thought politics is only about current events, along comes the JSTOR Daily blog. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, reports, primary sources, and much more. Their daily blog wants to use this rich source of content (along with other content sources) to bring the past to life and make it relevant to its readers now. Current events, politics, and social justice play a big part in choosing which stories they publish. They’ve even got a few topics on their wish list. Read through the blog before sending a pitch. They do not want submitted articles.
- Homepage: https://daily.jstor.org/
- Contributor info: https://daily.jstor.org/submit/
- Pay: We hear from 25 to 33 cents a word (averaging $50 to $500).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page with a photo.
29. Liisbeth

Liisbeth publishes plenty of political and social justice stories for their feminist readership (such as gender bias, racism, economic inequality, and preserving the environment). Good news for newer writers: they are open to working with you (if you pitch them a great idea). This blog generally works 3 months in advance of publication. They say it may take up to 14 days for them to get back to you (if your idea made the cut). Their writer guidelines give tons of detail, so read them to up your chances of a yes.
- Homepage: https://liisbeth.com/
- Contributor info: https://liisbeth.com/contributors/guidelines/
- Pay: $250 to $500 for essays and other non-reported pieces. $500 to $2000 for profiles, reports and feature stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
30. National Review

The National Review is a long-standing and well-known magazine focused on the conservative political perspective. Their writer guidelines are on the extremely slim side, so you’ll have to read through the blog or magazine to gather info for your pitch (and they will only accept pitches, no submitted articles). If you don’t hear back from them in 10 days, consider it a “not this time.”
- Homepage: https://www.nationalreview.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.nationalreview.com/the-masthead/
- Pay: We hear around $50 and up for online only articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo.
31. New Internationalist

Global inequality, the environment, and liberation struggles are just a handful of topics you could pitch New Internationalist Magazine. They do say yes to freelance pitches (and they regularly commission stories to freelance writers too). Get on their call-out list for pitches for their magazine’s front section “Currents.” When you pitch them intriguing ideas (even if they don’t decide to use them), you’ll likely end up on their potential contributors list. Try pitching them website articles for shorter lead times.
- Homepage: https://newint.org/
- Contributor info: https://newint.org/misc/write-for-us
- Pay: We hear $150.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, links allowed.
32. New York Magazine

Wanna write about politics for New York Magazine? They accept freelance pitches (but you’ll have to write one hell of a winning pitch to get accepted). And pitches are the only way to go here. Get to work researching what a winning story looks like for this magazine (because they’re not giving you many clues in the form of writer guidelines). And network with their editors on social (as we always recommend).
- Homepage: https://nymag.com/
- Contributor info: https://nymag.com/contactus/
- Pay: We hear from 12 to 65 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
33. New York Times Opinion

Yep, you read that right. We’re recommending you pitch The New York Times. But we think you’ll have a better shot at a yes with the op-ed section (especially with hot political and social justice topics). But don’t just whip up any old opinion piece. Do one that no one else is writing (to increase your odds of getting a byline here). Pro tip: political and social justice op-eds are a great way to break into any bigger publication (when they’re unique and related to breaking news). And while you’re at it, read the writer guidelines. Most bigger pubs (like this one) don’t usually have them, so when they do, use them.
- Homepage: https://www.nytimes.com/
- Contributor info: https://help.nytimes.com/hc/en-us/articles/115014809107-How-to-submit-an-Op-Ed-essay
- Pay: We hear from $200 to over $500 (for 400-1200 words usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
34. Paper

What’s a magazine like Paper doing on a political publications list? Well, this pop culture and lifestyle site has space dedicated to Politics, Pride, Black Lives Matter, and more. Social justice, activism, and politics are popular subjects. Have you noticed how long this list is? As for pitching advice and writer guidelines, you’re on your own. You’ll have to follow your favorite editors on social media and read your favorite department’s articles to get an idea of what they want.
- Homepage: https://www.papermag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.papermag.com/contact-us-1428076715.html
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
35. Paste

Paste Magazine doesn’t accept unsolicited queries anymore, but they do occasionally accept new members to their pool of freelance writers. This lifestyle site better known for entertainment and pop culture stories regularly includes politics on its content calendar. If you’d like to get into their pool of freelance writers, send them an LOI (letter of introduction). When they’re looking for new writers, you might get an email.
- Homepage: https://www.pastemagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles-article-type-features-/writer-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 8 cents per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
36. Politico

Politico Magazine and its blog hire freelance politics writers. You’ll have to put your political preferences away because they are strictly nonpartisan (read the blog or magazine to get an idea of what that looks like). They’re looking for well-researched and reported features, profiles, and op-eds for their audience of political professionals, public policy pros, and those searching for non-partisan reporting. Good news freelance bloggers: they publish daily on their blog. Don’t send completed articles, queries only.
- Homepage: https://www.politico.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.politico.com/write-for-us
- Pay: We hear 25 to 43 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
37. Refinery29

Is there anything Refinery29 doesn’t publish? Heads up politics and social justice writers, you can pitch them your ideas too (especially stories that appeal to their female readers). Their writer guidelines could use a refresh, but you already know how to do your own research, don’t you? Get started hunting down their editors on social media too.
- Homepage: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us
- Contributor info: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2014/04/66412/writing-for-r29
- Pay: We hear 17 to 33 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you do have a writer’s page with all your articles.
38. Relevant

Relevant Magazine and blog put out content for their young 20-30-something Christian audience. Good news freelance social justice and politics writers, they regularly publish stories in your niches. Pitch them your current event, op-ed, and social justice story ideas (and remember to read the blog or magazine before you do). If you’re looking to get paid, pitch them for the magazine only. Blog stories will get you a byline and a bio with links (but no paycheck). You can send in completed stories too. Just remember to be patient. You can send them a follow-up email after 2 weeks if you haven’t heard back.
- Homepage: https://www.relevantmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.relevantmagazine.com/write/
- Pay: We hear $100 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
39. Religion & Politics

Can you think of two topics with more room for political discussion than these? And yes, Religion & Politics is an online news journal hiring freelance politics writers. They’re looking for as they put it “frank and respectful debate, historical context, critical analysis, and thorough research.” Send pitches instead of complete articles. They’ll consider submitted stories, but you’ll have a better chance at getting published with a captivating query. Read through the blog to get a sense for topics they love, article structure, voice, and tone.
- Homepage: https://religionandpolitics.org/
- Contributor info: https://religionandpolitics.org/submissions/
- Pay: We hear 26 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
40. Rooted in Rights

Rooted in Rights pays freelance bloggers for disability stories. They’re most interested in disabled writers looking to tell their own or others’ stories. If you don’t have a disability, you could work with someone else looking to do an interview or reported story. Pitch your idea to the blog first (and read it to get an idea for what they want). Current events, disability rights, and disability politics are all good places to start. Their writer guidelines are helpful, so read them.
- Homepage: https://rootedinrights.org/
- Contributor info: https://rootedinrights.org/get-involved/submit-a-blog-idea/
- Pay: We hear $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
41. Salon

Salon is technically a lifestyle site with a heavy dose of politics, perfect for freelance politics writers who lean more to the left. If you can find a political angle for your topic, you’ll have a better chance of getting a yes. The more timely the better, of course. Read through the blog to get a sense for how to pitch them. The writer guidelines are lighter than a feather (but at least they give you clear guidance on where to send your pitches.
- Homepage: https://www.salon.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.salon.com/about/submissions
- Pay: We hear 8 to 25 cents a word (averaging $150 and up).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
42. Slate

Hey, Slate loves political pitches. Yep, this enormous general interest site known for opinions and analysis has 3 editor contacts for news and politics. Before you run off to send in your pitch: do a bunch of internet searches about your pitch idea before contacting them. They DO NOT want anything that’s already been published by everyone else. They do want you to read their articles AND do some research on what other sites have already written too. Need some tips on getting ready to pitch? Check out this perfect pitch email article
- Homepage: https://slate.com/
- Contributor info: https://slate.com/pitch
- Pay: We hear 20 to 24 cents a word for 800 to 1300 words usually.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, but on a separate page.
43. Teen Vogue

Know how to write for teens readers? Teen Vogue loves publishing social justice and political stories (they’ve got 2 editors dedicated to it). Go check out their politics department yourself. You’ll have to read up on their site or print magazine to hone your pitches. Fortunately, their editors are listed on the site (so go follow them on social for better chances of getting noticed and accepted).
- Homepage: https://www.teenvogue.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/teen-vogue-masthead
- Pay: We hear 30 cents for online only stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
44. The American Conservative

The American Conservative publishes articles on conservative politics as well as social, economic, and cultural topics with a strong connection to its worldview. You are welcome to pitch them ideas or even send in drafts. Do your research and read the site (or magazine) before you send them anything. If you don’t hear back from them in 7 days, consider it a “not right now.”
- Homepage: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $150 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
45. The Atlantic

Wanna write articles about politics for The Atlantic print or online magazine? They accept pitches, so have at it. But before you send in your ideas, do enough research (this means reading ALOT) and learn how to pitch well first. You might get a yes on your 10th or 15th try. Or sooner. Or later. Not surprisingly, The Atlantic doesn’t have writer guidelines (like most of the big publications). So read the politics section (religiously) and research heavily any ideas you have before you pitch them.
- Homepage: https://www.theatlantic.com/
- Contributor info: Check out their list of editors for pitching
- Pay: We hear from 25 to 56 cents word (averaging $150 to $1600).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes a few sentences.
46. The Counter

At The Counter, food journalism is the focus. You can pitch them stories about food politics, food business politics, and so many other politically charged topics (as long as it’s about food). US food stories are their one true love (unless you’ve got a hot international food idea that US readers will want to hear). Send a few clips with your pitches. Speaking of queries, they’re very interested in what happens between the farm and your table (hint, there’s a lot going on there). Got a regional food story idea? If you can show its impact on a national level, pitch away.
- Homepage: https://thecounter.org/
- Contributor info: https://thecounter.org/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear as much as $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
47. The Diplomat

The Diplomat publishes stories about the Asian continent and Pacific islands This print magazine and website prefer original reporting and analysis (but they’ll take a look at commentaries as well). Plenty of room for your political story ideas. Their readers are an intelligent crowd of influential people (academics, policymakers, among others). They accept pitches and completed articles. If you’d like to be paid for your work, make sure to say so in your pitch. Paid work must be requested (and agreed to) at the beginning.
- Homepage: https://thediplomat.com/
- Contributor info: https://thediplomat.com/write-for-us/
- Pay: We hear around $250.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, and a very generous writer profile on a separate page.
48. The Ferret

The Ferret wants exclusive articles about issues important to residents and natives of Scotland. New stories, new developments in older stories, and most importantly verifiable fact-based stories. They call themselves a multimedia site so you’re welcome to pitch them ideas with photography, video, audio, interactive graphics, and more. And this news, politics, and social justice site doesn’t want completed articles. Send pitches only, please.
- Homepage: https://theferret.scot/
- Contributor info: https://theferret.scot/pitch-us-story/
- Pay: Starting at £120 for news stories (with higher fees for stronger stories or more investigative reporting).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
49. The Guardian

The Guardian daily printed and online newspaper will consider your unsolicited politics articles or pitches on speculation (that means they can say no after you’ve turned in your completed story). They don’t usually assign work to unknown writers (basically writers they haven’t worked with in the past). The good news is once they know you better, you might be able to get a commissioned assignment. Read heavily in the news and politics sections before pitching (you’ve got the US, UK, and Australian editions to consider). Politics is a popular subject (and touches all aspects of our lives) so do some smart searching in other categories for more opportunities. The Guardian doesn’t provide much guidance for submissions, so it’s up to you to research what the editors expect.
- Homepage: The Guardian UK or the Guardian US
- Contributor info: Everything you want to know about sending freelance submissions and here’s their list of editors
- Pay: We hear 36 cents to $1+ a word (for 800 to 4000 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Not really, but you get a photo, a writer’s page, and a few links.
50. The Nation

The Nation publishes a weekly print and digital magazine dedicated to left and liberal political opinion and commentary. They accept pitches about national and international topics. Topics like civil liberties, civil rights, labor, economics, the environment, privacy & policing, feminist issues & politics are very welcome here. But domestic issues need to be important enough to interest their readers from all parts of the US. They even accept poetry.
- Homepage: https://www.thenation.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.thenation.com/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $225 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
51. The New Republic

The New Republic Magazine was originally founded to promote liberal reform back in 1914 (and they’re still dedicated to these principles now). Essays and reported stories on timely liberal political issues like labor, gender, race, sexuality, and immigration (just to name a few). You can send in completed articles, but they’d prefer a pitch first (and you’ve got better chances of getting that byline too). Read the guidelines for the Sold Short department for more details (and always, always read the blog to get a feel for what this publication likes).
- Homepage: https://newrepublic.com/
- Contributor info: https://newrepublic.com/pages/contact#submissionGuidelines
- Pay: The Sold Short editor says starting around $400 (but it will vary).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
52. The Progressive

The Progressive loves to publish investigative reports on current events (related to their progressive focus). Their tagline is “A voice for peace and social justice since 1909” (so you know social movements and activism are their sweet spot). You can even pitch them on foreign policy articles (just remember that their readers are mainly Americans). And if poetry is one of your many talents, you can get in touch with their poetry editor too.
- Homepage: https://progressive.org/
- Contributor info: https://progressive.org/about-us/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $50 to $3000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
53. The Root

The Root is a lifestyle site about, as they put it, “the intersection of blackness and culture, politics, entertainment, and sports, among other pertinent issues.” We know they hire freelance writers (and they also have staff writers and regular freelance contributors). Don’t expect much guidance on sending in winning pitches (so do your own research). If you’re ready to get a regular gig (as either a freelance or staff writer), check out their job postings too.
- Homepage: https://www.theroot.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.theroot.com/do-you-have-what-it-takes-to-write-for-the-root-1840032724
- Pay: We hear 20 to 25 cents a word for 800 to 1000 word articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
54. The Sun

The Sun describes itself as “personal, political, provocative.” This print publication and blog are looking for essays, fiction, interviews, and even poetry. They especially love personal stories about political or cultural matters. You can send them a pitch about an interview you’d like to do for them. They also buy black and white photographs and photo essays if you’ve got a talent for it.
- Homepage: https://www.thesunmagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.thesunmagazine.org/submit
- Pay: $300 to $2000 (for essays, fiction, and interviews).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page, links allowed.
55. Tablet

Tablet publishes content about “Jewish news, ideas, and culture.” Their print magazine is on pause for the moment. But they’re still interested in your pitches for the website. Good news for freelance writers: they publish online material daily. They expect you to know what their online magazine is all about before you pitch them anything. Attention politics writers: their News and Israel & the Middle East departments should give you plenty of inspiration for pitch ideas. Tablet won’t accept finished articles, opinion pieces, or fiction.
- Homepage: https://www.tabletmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.tabletmag.com/about#about-us
- Pay: We hear $150 and up.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences, but no links.
56. Truthout

Good news, new freelance political writers, Truthout blog works with experienced and beginning freelance writers. Read their submission guidelines carefully and read their blog before pitching. Just one look at their blog categories tells you they’re strongly focused on social justice. You can send in completed articles (but you increase your chances of publication when you pitch them first). Truthout will even consider previously published stories that fit their mission. When pitching this pub, make sure to bring up money before you agree to write for them (if payment is important to you).
- Homepage: https://truthout.org/
- Contributor info: https://truthout.org/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 25 cents per word for 1200-word stories (but if you don’t ask about payment while pitching, they’ll assume you’re writing for free).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
57. Vice

Vice publishes a ton of political content (they’ve even got an email for pitches on politics, inequality, health, identity, and other related social justice issues). This lifestyle site has one department dedicated to politics (so do your site searches or read through the site to get ideas). Identity, World News, News, Health, Drugs, and Environment are good places to look for social justice subjects too. They’re especially looking for original reports, essays, and first-person stories. You could even do an article on another person’s first-person story.
- Homepage: https://www.vice.com/en
- Contributor info: https://www.vice.com/en/page/vice-about
- Pay: We hear 33 to 50 cents a word (for 1500 to 2000 word articles usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
58. Vox

Vox definitely wants your political pitch ideas. While this massive lifestyle site has a Politics & Policy section, you should look in other areas of the site too (like Identities, Future Perfect, First Person, Science & Health, and World). Or better yet, just do site searches, because politics and social justice stories are everywhere. Then go follow your preferred editors on social media. And check out their detailed and helpful writer guidelines.
- Homepage: https://www.vox.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.vox.com/pages/how-to-pitch-vox-pitching-guidelines
- Pay: We hear 33 to 50 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences on a separate page.
59. Washington Monthly

Washington Monthly Magazine and its blog are always looking for politics writers ready to tell stories that matter, ask hard questions, and talk more about solutions than problems. Their favorite topics are government, politics, culture, and the media. Read through the site to get a sense of what gets published before you send in a pitch (they’re not interested in submitted articles).
- Homepage: https://washingtonmonthly.com/
- Contributor info: https://washingtonmonthly.com/careers
- Pay: We hear 10 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
60. Wired

Wired Magazine and their blog want you to write stories about how technology, science, and innovation are changing the way we live, think, and do pretty much anything. So, where does that leave you, political writers? Current events, social justice issues, political activists, government policy, and politicians regularly have something to say about science and technology, don’t they? You’ll find politically charged topics all over this site. Keep in mind that this publication prefers pitches for their Ideas section the most (essays or feature stories usually). They do occasionally say yes to pitches for their Business, Science, or Service sections too (but in smaller numbers). Their pay rates are based on the length and difficulty of the article (not on whether it’s published in the magazine or the site). Check out their well-written writer guidelines.
- Homepage: Wired US or Wired UK
- Contributor info: Check out the Wired UK submission guidelines or Wired US pitching guidelines
- Pay: $1+ a word (so $250 for shorter pieces and $2500+ for features).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links.
61. World Politics Review

World Politics Review Magazine publishes as they put it “thoughtful, non-partisan, insightful analysis of the most pressing international issues of the day.” Their readers are business people, academics, and policymakers from around the world. They’re most interested in short articles that give context on a specific issue or event or longer feature articles that go in-depth on one issue (usually with expert interviews and original reporting).
- Homepage: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/
- Contributor info: Get their list of editors and read their contributor guidelines
- Pay: $250 for briefings. Feature stories are negotiated.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page.
62. Yes Magazine

Yes Magazine and blog are especially interested in your social justice stories. Their writer guidelines will give you plenty to think about (including important questions to answer in your pitch…if you want a yes). Their print magazine is only published 4 times a year, but you can also get paid for blog articles. If you don’t get an answer after 4 weeks, consider it an invitation to pitch them something different.
- Homepage: https://www.yesmagazine.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.yesmagazine.org/about-writers-guidelines-submissions
- Pay: 35 cents for online articles and 50 cents a word for print stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo.
This List Needs YOUR Help!
Have you written for one of these blogs? Will you tell us about your experience?
Or do you know of another blog that pays at least $50 per post on political and social justice topics?
If you’ve got a tip about a blog that pays writers $50+, please send it to teambafb@gmail.com in exchange for our undying gratitude — thank you for your service.
I have been posting political comments even before Facebook was created. FRIENDSTER and the MINDANAO TIMES was the site where I used visit.
Now I am not only interested in writing about politics, but about animals especially birds as I travel twice a week to feed them
Wow, nearly all of these are left-leaning. Feels a bit like shilling for the man.
If you know other reputable politics or social justice blogs that pay, we’re all ears. This blog isn’t political at all. We’re only posting what we find.
Political topics are welcome on plenty of lifestyle sites with the right angle. If your favs pay writers, pitch them something that fits their audience.
Thank you, Sophie, for doing all this research and sharing it with us! I learned quite a bit, and your personal insights added a lot of value.