What if you could get paid to write about your favorite sport, hobby, or whatever it is you like to do in your free time (besides sleeping, snacking, and binge-watching series)?
Seriously. Even that one weird hobby you can’t stop talking about and some of your friends think you’re a little too obsessed with… Check and see if it’s on our list!
Pro tip: If expensive gear is involved, chances are you could get paid very well to write about it. If you want to get paid to write about a topic, someone else has to make money selling products on said topic.
You’ll find a few exceptions to that rule. But especially with leisure activities and fun things to do in your free time, follow the money if you want to turn your writing into more than a hobby.
How Much Do Sports Writers Earn?
This is the internet. If it exists, there is a blog or online publication for it. Sports and leisure topics are no exception to that rule.
But not all of them pay writers… and not all of those that do pay writers pay them well.
If you find yourself with a favorite hobby that pays peanuts (and you still dream of writing about it), look a little deeper. Look at the businesses that make money from this activity. What are they? Do some research.
If you want to get paid to write about anything, you have to find people who make money from it. This is where you start.
We’ve got a big list of hobby sites, sports blogs, leisure publications, and so on right here that pay freelancers $50 or more per article (up to $3,000 and $4,000 in some cases).
Can I Really Get Paid to Blog About Hobbies & Sports?
Just curious… what do you think a sports writer does?
Yeah, yeah, write about sports. But do you have any idea HOW MANY sports exist out there? Go take a look at how many different medal-awarding sports the Olympic Games list. And then add a few more because even they don’t include them all.
Do you want to write about your favorite (insert most popular sport in your country) team? Yeah, you and a few million other raving fans willing to do it for free.
You *can* write about those big sports (and even get paid to do it). Just be prepared for some competition.
Got a question for you: Do you like any less well-known sports? Because if you can corner a niche topic, you can get some sweet sportswriting gigs there (and get paid more, too).
As for leisure activities, hobbies, and such, if you know how to do even something as simple as crochet then you can get paid to write articles explaining it to others. But don’t look only at hobby blogs about hobbies — look for businesses with blogs or online articles on the topic, too, because they may have a bigger budget.
With some persistence and a passion for a specific sport or leisure activity, you could land yourself a high-paying one-off gig or even a regular paid spot in a publication.
Where to Find Your Next Hobby or Sports Writing Gig
Adironback Life Magazine

Adirondack Life magazine publishes stories about its six-million-acre natural park in New York State. Think outdoor fun, hiking, kayaking, backcountry skiing (and everything in between). They also love articles about the wildlife, history, places, and people of the Adirondacks. One way to get started with this publication is their magazine departments (1000 to 1800 words on average). They have a very small staff (good news for getting freelance writing jobs). If you don’t hear back from them in 30 days, follow up with them about your query.
- Homepage: https://www.adirondacklifemag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.adirondacklifemag.com/blogs/magazine/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: 30 cents per word for features and news stories (1,000-3,500 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Adventure Cyclist Magazine

Want to tell stories about your cycling adventures? The Adventure Cyclist magazine and blog want to hear about it (and might even pay you to write it). They are looking for first-person stories about your bike trip. If you’re also very handy with a camera, you’ll have an even better chance of scoring the job. Photos are important for these types of articles (and you get paid extra for them). Keep in mind that their editorial calendar is often planned 12+ months out. And their very small team can take up to 6 months to get back to you about your query or submission.
- Homepage: https://www.adventurecycling.org/blog/
- Contributor info: https://www.adventurecycling.org/adventure-cyclist/adventure-cyclist-submissions/
- Pay: From 25 to 50 cents a word (for articles from 1200 to 3000 words).
- Contributor byline: Yes. with a photo.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page with a photo and links.
Adventure Motorcyle

Do fun road trips on your motorcycle much? Then take a look at Adventure Motorcycle magazine and blog. You can send queries for ride reports, feature articles, news, reviews, and spotlights. They’re especially interested in travel stories and personal stories of overcoming hardship and challenges on the road. Photos are extremely important for most stories (and you’re usually responsible for them too). Read through the magazine and the blog to see if your ideas fit their style (and check out the photos to make sure it’s something you can do). If you’ve got seasonal ideas, get in touch at least 6 months early (or more).
- Homepage: https://adventuremotorcycle.com/
- Contributor info: https://adventuremotorcycle.com/submission-guidelines
- Pay: $150 and up (for 1400 to 1800 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo. and a link.

The Alpinist magazine and blog hire freelance sportswriters. If you’re already passionate about mountain climbing, go make some money talking (and writing) about your favorite subject. What do they want to publish? First-person stories, investigative reports, and documentaries about topics adventure climbing fanatics love to read. Do your research and then send in a pitch.
- Homepage: http://www.alpinist.com/
- Contributor info: http://www.alpinist.com/p/magazine/contribute
- Pay: We hear 25 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Amazonas Magazine and Coral Magazine

Amazonas and Coral magazines and websites write about aquariums (and everything you need to know if you have one or want to build one). Amazonas focuses on freshwater aquariums and Coral on salt-water aquariums. If you’re already slightly obsessed with aquariums, take a look at their site and magazine. You’ll find sample editions on the website. And remember to check out the photos (an important part of most articles for these publications). You can also write blog articles for them, but they pay much more for the magazines.
- Homepage: https://www.reef2rainforest.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.reef2rainforest.com/contributor-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $100 to $600.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
American Angler

Are you a somewhat obsessed fisher and a freelance writer? American Angler magazine and website are looking for passionate fishing fans who also know how to write words people want to read. Check out their submission guidelines and you’ll know what I mean. If you know how to tell a story that’s not a fish tale (with research and interviews), you’ll have a much better chance of getting published here.
- Homepage: https://www.americanangler.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.americanangler.com/submissions/
- Pay: We hear $200-$600.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a sentence or two with a link (maybe even a photo).
American Falconry

Know someone who practices the ancient tradition of falconry? When we say there’s a publication for nearly everything, we’re not kidding. American Falconry magazine and website pay writers for stories about its history, techniques, gear, and more. You can read more about it on the site or in the magazine. As with most of these hobby and sports magazines, taking photos to go with the story is indispensable (and can make or break your pitch).
- Homepage: https://www.americanfalconry.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.americanfalconry.com/writersguidelines.html
- Pay: Starting at $100.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
American Gardener

Are you an avid gardener? I’ve got some good news for you. American Gardener the American Horticultural Society’s primary publication is mostly freelance written. Their readers are amateur gardeners with lots of experience. Some of the topics they’re looking for are horticulturalist profiles, garden design, plant research, plant conservation, and much more. Read through the website and digital version of the magazine (you can read some articles without being a member). They only want pitches for stories.
- Homepage: https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/gardening-publications/archives/
- Contributor info: https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/gardening-publications/the-american-gardener/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: From $150 to $200 for department articles (600 to 1000 words normally) and $300 to $600 for most features (1500 to 2500 words usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a very short one.
Audubon Society

If you’re already into birdwatching and reading about them, maybe it’s time to start making some money writing about it. The Audubon Society’s magazine pays freelance writers. You can dive into the articles on the website or a selection of articles from the magazine. The writer guidelines are on the light side (but you do get a list of the editors). Use the stories available online to create a pitch that fits their publishing style.
- Homepage: https://www.audubon.org/
- Contributor info: https://www.audubon.org/about-audubon-magazine
- Pay: We hear from 20 to 40 cents a word (for 1000 to 2000 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes. with a photo.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Backcountry Magazine

Backcountry magazine and website are about skiing off-piste or outside of ski resorts. They’re always on the lookout for talented writers with fresh ideas for their readers. Current events, interesting destinations, and profiles of interesting backcountry skiers, for example. If you’re already familiar with their audience (and backcountry skiing), do some research on the site. And pitch away.
- Homepage: https://backcountrymagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://backcountrymagazine.com/magazine/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: 35 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No. but you get a writer’s page.

Do you like to hike? Please check out this magazine and blog dedicated to “foot-based” travel, Backpacker. Half of their feature articles are freelance-written. Even better news, OVER 50% of their magazine departments are written by freelance writers. Their advice to new writers: pitch to the departments or online-only articles. Stick to North American destinations, Read their blog and magazine and you’ll notice a strong preference for off-the-trail trips, out-of-the-ordinary destinations, and practical information their readers can use.
- Homepage: https://www.backpacker.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.backpacker.com/page/guidelines
- Pay: From about $150 to $2,000 or more; typical pay starts at 40 cents per word, with article lengths ranging from 400-600 words to 1500-5000 word destination feature articles.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, on a separate page, no links.
Bee Culture

Bee Culture magazine and blog write about American beekeeping. Yes, lots of how-to, gear, and pollination articles for sure, but also political issues, marketing, dealing with disease, and pesticides too. Everything a new (or experienced) beekeeper needs to know. Profiles of important figures in beekeeping and how to market your products are both on their wish list for topics. Over one-third (closer to half) of their articles are freelance written (yay for you). Send them a proposal or outline after you’ve read their blog and magazine. You can send completed articles (but they’d really prefer proposals). Read their detailed writer guidelines and then get to it.
- Homepage: https://www.beeculture.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.beeculture.com/write-us/
- Pay: $150 to $200 for 1000-2000 word articles (sometimes more for assigned pieces).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Bicycle Retailer

Bicycle Retailer is a trade publication for businesses that sell bicycles. They put out a printed or digital magazine (along with the website). Keep in mind that they receive lots of press releases and other pitches from non-writers (so make sure your pitch clearly states that you’re a writer). Read through the site, send them a letter of introduction with a few great pitches (especially if you love cycling).
- Homepage: https://www.bicycleretailer.com/
- Contributor info: Read their submission guidelines and have a look at the staff directory.
- Pay: It’s a trade publication, so they won’t publish rates (but they pay well enough to be on this list).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Blackbelt Magazine

Blackbelt magazine (and its blog) is one of the oldest martial arts publications in the US. We hear they hire freelance writers (but you won’t find much direction in their writer guidelines). If you’re a somewhat obsessed fan or regularly practice any martial arts, check out their website. They cover all of them. Chances are they could use a talented writer that has martial arts experience.
- Homepage: https://blackbeltmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://blackbeltmag.com/article-submission
- Pay: We hear $150 to $330 (for 1000+ word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a very short one on a separate page with a photo. Links are possible.
Blade Magazine

Got a knife collection? Then you probably already know about Blade magazine and its website. It’s where knife collectors go to learn more about the world of practical, historic, beautiful, or even rare knives. They’d much prefer you send them a pitch. Read the magazine (and the site) before you pitch them something they’ve already done. Pitch them on new and interesting situations to use different knives (think outdoor adventures or creative solutions to everyday problems), new knife designs, how certain knives are made, or even celebrities and their knives. Are you handy with a camera too? They’ll love you even more if you can get high quality photos for your stories.
- Homepage: https://blademag.com/
- Contributor info: https://blademag.com/writers-guidelines
- Pay: From $150 to $300 (for 500 to 1700 word stories).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one on a separate page with a photo.
Climbing Magazine

Good news if you’re a new freelance writer (who also loves climbing up mountains). Climbing magazine and blog work with pro writers and brand-new writers. For feature stories, think climbing area histories, profiles about the people who climb them, and even controversial subjects. Of course, if you’re new, you might want to try the smaller department articles in the magazine. Check out the magazine and blog before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.climbing.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.climbing.com/writer-contribution-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear 35 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Cross Country Magazine

Cross Country magazine is all about flying. You know, like paragliding, hang gliding, paramotoring… you get the idea. If it involves humans in the air with or without motors, consider pitching it to Cross Country. And if you’ve also got some high-resolution photos, they will be even more interested. Read the site and magazine first of course. Then pitch away.
- Homepage: https://xcmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://xcmag.com/contribute/
- Pay: $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.
Cruising World

Calling all boating enthusiasts: Cruising World pays writers. You’ll have to read through the site and magazine to get a feel for what their relatively affluent sailing enthusiast readers love reading. Their writer guidelines give advice on the technical side of pitching them (but not so much about topics). If you’re already got your sea legs, time to cash in on your sailing experience and know-how.
- Homepage: https://www.cruisingworld.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.cruisingworld.com/cruising-world-guidelines-writers-and-photographers/
- Pay: From $25 to $200 for short pieces and $300 to $1000 for feature-length stories (2000 words max usually).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.

Wanna write for Deadspin? If you’re already a raving fan of a particular sport, chances are you can write a winning pitch (with some reading and research). Deadspin wants to help you. They’ve written a very practical post about how to write one. They’re giving you the word-for-word play on pitches that won (and then telling you why). Can’t get much better than that. Follow their advice (plus read the blog and do your research) and you’ll up your chances for a yes.
- Homepage: https://deadspin.com/
- Contributor info: https://deadspin.com/an-actually-useful-and-not-at-all-tedious-guide-to-pitc-1833272366
- Pay: We hear at least 11 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes, with a photo.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Desert USA

Are you an outdoor sports fanatic? Writing about your hiking, kayaking, rafting, climbing, and even offroading trips in the desert could get you a paid article on the DesertUSA blog. North American deserts only, please. Do some research on the site to make sure your idea hasn’t already been written (they’ve been around since 1997). Remember to include photos and do some research on the geology, local wildlife, and native plants of the area for your article.
- Homepage: https://www.desertusa.com/stories/
- Contributor info: https://www.desertusa.com/who/du_submissions.html
- Pay: $50 for 1200-1500 word articles for adventure stories in the North American deserts.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Is skydiving your favorite thing to do on a weekend? Check out Dropzone. This skydiving blog publishes articles on safety, equipment, training, and industry-related topics. Submissions must be in Word or plain text format, without HTML tags. Read the contributors’ guidelines and style guide before you write your draft, and contact the editor to negotiate pay.
- Homepage: http://www.dropzone.com
- Contributor info: Read about our writers and read our guidelines.
- Pay: We hear $50 to $100, for 500 to 750+ words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, up to 35 words including hyperlinks, with a headshot photo.
EQ Living

Equestrian Living magazine or the EQ Living website are looking for stories about equestrian society. Want to cover a local equestrian event or profile a well-known person in equestrian society? Pitch this publication. You can also write about travel, home decor, culture, and even relevant (and exceptional) fiction or essays. Have a closer look at the website and magazine before you pitch them your ideas.
- Homepage: https://eqliving.com/
- Contributor info: https://eqliving.com/writers-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $100 to $300.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Escapees RV Club

The Escapees RV Club blog publishes posts on anything and everything about the RV lifestyle – from the RVs themselves to traveling, to parenting on the go, to transitioning from recreational to full-time RVing. So if you’re got an RV and love going places in it, write it up and send it to them. That’s right, they do NOT accept pitches, only completed articles. They also love stories about life in an RV.
- Homepage: https://www.escapees.com/blog-feed/
- Contributor info: https://www.escapees.com/images/pdfs/WritersGuidelines.pdf
- Pay: $50 to $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Fine Gardening

If you love gardening, you’ve got options for publications to pitch. Fine Gardening magazine pays freelance writers. They don’t really offer any guidance on what to pitch (so look through the site and magazine). FYI, Taunton, its publisher,, also puts out a few other magazines (so check them out if woodworking, sewing, or homebuilding is your jam).
- Homepage: https://www.finegardening.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.taunton.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear from $35 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Golf Course Management

Surprised to see a magazine dedicated to golf course management? Get over it. Every subject under the sun has a blog or magazine. The question is, “Do they pay freelancers?” If it’s on this list, they do. Golf Course Management is a trade publication for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. These guys and girls want to know more about how to manage their golf course better. You can read the digital version of the magazine on the website to get a feel for what they want. Then send them a letter of introduction with your pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.gcmonline.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.gcmonline.com/editorial-guidelines
- Pay: It’s a trade publication. Rates aren’t published, but it’s enough to be included on this list.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Gray’s Sporting Journal

Gray’s Sporting Journal is dedicated to hunting. They’re looking for bird hunting, fly fishing, and even big game hunting stories. You’re not limited to these three topics, but they’re the top three for their readers. Feature stories, tall tales, expeditions, and even poetry are on this publication’s wish list. If you have a talent for photography, they also love photo essays (or just photos to go with articles). Take note: they don’t want queries. Write the article and send it to them for consideration. And be patient. it may take them 6 months to answer (if it’s a yes). They are often working more than 6 months in advance of publication.
- Homepage: https://www.grayssportingjournal.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.grayssportingjournal.com/submissions/
- Pay: From $600 to $1250 for articles. $100 for poems. $50 to $300 for photographs.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Gripped Magazine

Gripped is a Canadian mountain climbing magazine and blog. They hire freelance writers and climbing enthusiasts. So consider pitching even if you don’t have much writing experience yet (but know boatloads about the subject). Feature stories, profiles of important Canadians, and profiles of enticing spots to climb are always needed. You can pitch them any ideas that will appeal to their Canadian mountain climbing audience too. Read through the website to get a feel for their style (and pay attention to the magazine’s regular columns). They’re always looking for good fits for their columns.
- Homepage: https://gripped.com/
- Contributor info: Read their writer guidelines and check out the list of editors.
- Pay: $150 to $250 (for 500 to 2500 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Hoofbeats Magazine

Hoofbeats is the magazine for the US Trotting Association. This association establishes the rules of harness racing and gives licensing exams for future professionals in the sport. If you have an interest in harness racing, this is the publication to pitch your ideas. Great news: 70% of Hoofbeats‘ stories are written by freelancers. They’d very much prefer you send a query (instead of a completed article). If you’d like a sample copy of the magazine, just ask (and of course read the website too).
- Homepage: http://www.hoofbeatsmagazine.com/
- Contributor info: http://www.hoofbeatsmagazine.com/contact.cfm
- Pay: From $100 to $500.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.
Horse and Rider

Love riding horses? You may be a perfect fit for Horse & Rider Magazine and blog. Their readers are horse owners who love riding and spending time with their horses. Check out their writer guidelines (so much helpful information about their readers and how to write an article if you’re new to it). Their readers want helpful stories about training, healthcare, trail riding, and more. As always, read the site and magazine to get a feel for their style before you pitch.
- Homepage: https://horseandrider.com/
- Contributor info: https://horseandrider.com/page/submission-guidelines
- Pay: From $25 to $400.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a nice one on a separate page.
Horse Network

The Horse Network is a blog for horse lovers. News, interviews, profiles, health articles, lifestyle stories, and opinion pieces are all doable. They’re especially interested in horse health, interviews, and profiles at the moment. Read the blog, do your research, and send your completed article to the editor. They’ll let you know in 30 days if it’s a good fit.
- Homepage: https://horsenetwork.com/
- Contributor info: https://horsenetwork.com/contribute/
- Pay: We hear $50 and up for 500 to 750 words usually (plus bonuses for social shares).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.

Do you know how to build small airplanes? Well, that is exactly what Kitplane‘s readers do. And this magazine and blog pay very good money to freelance writers who can write practical articles about flight trials, airplane design, different construction techniques, and of course product reviews. They’re looking for writers with some experience flying or building kit planes (flight reviews and kit reviews are very popular with their readers). Read the website and magazine before you send a pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.kitplanes.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.kitplanes.com/guidelines-for-writers/
- Pay: $250 to $1000.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a photo.

A digital magazine rather than a blog, Knitty publishes articles batched into 4 issues per year. This site is interested in patterns and tutorial articles for knitting or crocheting. Their writer guidelines are extremely detailed (and will answer all your questions plus a few extras). Check out their submission deadlines. Normally you’ll hear back from them in 2 weeks to 2 months. If you don’t, feel free to send an email and check.
- Homepage: http://www.knitty.com
- Contributor info: http://www.knitty.com/subguide.php
- Pay: From $150 up to $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes.
Loaded Landscapes

Got camera gear and love using it? If you’re snapping photos with more than a point and click camera or your phone, you’ve probably got some ideas to pitch the Loaded Landscapes blog. Landscapes, nature, and travel photography are mainly what this blog wants. They also publish blog posts on photo editing (usually for Photoshop and Lightroom). They would love a regular contributor, but you can also pitch them a one-off guest post too. And they’d prefer you send a pitch to see if it’s a good fit. Remember to do some research on the blog before pitching.
- Homepage: https://loadedlandscapes.com/blog/
- Contributor info: https://loadedlandscapes.com/write-for-us/
- Pay: We hear up to $150.
- Contributor byline: Ask.
- Contributor bio: Ask.
Men’s Journal

Why is Men’s Journal listed on a Sports magazine and blog list? This may be a men’s lifestyle magazine and blog, but they publish a lot of outdoor sports, fitness, and regular sports articles. Take a look at their editor list and you’ll notice they’re an active outdoor bunch (or they’ve written for tons of sports magazines or sites). You won’t find any submission guidelines (but we know they hire freelance writers). Read their mag and blog. Then go pitch them.
- Homepage: https://www.mensjournal.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.mensjournal.com/about-team/
- Pay: We’ve heard from $150 to $4200 (for a 3000-word story).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Model Railroad Hobbyist

This online magazine for model railroad lovers welcomes pitches or ready-written submissions from readers. Follow their submission instructions, and include well-lit, high-quality photographs and any other supporting media such as videos or sketches with your draft. They’d prefer you send them a pitch instead of a complete article. Read their extremely detailed writer guidelines for info on everything from how to shoot video and photos for them to how to submit your finished article.
- Homepage: http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/blog
- Contributor info: http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/submission-guidelines
- Pay: We’ve heard $10 per 350 words, up to $1,000 for long articles (maximum 3,000 words) with lots of supporting media.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a generous length of bio text with a photo and a link to your website if it’s relevant.
Outside Online

Do you have a lot to say about the outdoors? Outside is an online and print magazine that publishes mostly long-form content (2,000-10,000 words). They are looking for reports, essays, practical how-tos, and reviews about outdoor sports. You can pitch ideas to the following website departments: Features, Travel, Health, Adventure, Culture, and Gear. If you’ve got a talent for photography (and love shooting outdoor sports), you could get paid for it too.
- Homepage: https://www.outsideonline.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.outsideonline.com/2415584/how-to-pitch-freelance-outside-magazine
- Pay: Starting at 50 cents per word for online stories.
- Contributor byline: Yes with a photo.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences on a separate page with a photo and links.
Paddling Magazine

Paddling magazine and blog are the merger of three different publications, Adventure Kayak, Canoeroots, and Rapid. So that already gives you an idea of what they’re looking for. If you are an avid fan of the paddle (no, not that kind of paddle), you could make some money freelance writing about your favorite sport. Read the magazine and blog first. They’re looking for stories about the people in paddlesports, adventure travel, paddling events, helpful how-tos, and investigative reports.
- Homepage: https://paddlingmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://paddlingmag.com/contribute/
- Pay: We hear 20 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences.
Popular Mechanics

Like building things and figuring out how machines work? You could put your hands-on curiosity to work (and make some money) writing for Popular Mechanics magazine and blog. For over a hundred years they’ve been satisfying your neverending desire to understand how the world works. This pub’s writer guidelines are excellent with tons of details and examples (so read them carefully). And then go read the blog and magazine. Send them pitches only. Normally if it’s a yes, they’ll get back to you in 30 days.
- Homepage: https://www.popularmechanics.com/
- Contributor info: Read this incredibly helpful guide on pitching Popular Mechanics and check out their list of editors.
- Pay: We hear 40 cents a word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one on a separate writer’s page with a photo.
Popular Woodworking

Popular Woodworking magazine and blog wants you to have fun building wooden furniture (or really anything interesting made of wood). If you’re a freelance writer who loves making things with wood, you could get a byline in Popular Woodworking. Taking great photos is a major plus too (as in most of the hobby magazines and blogs). Pitch them a DIY project they can’t resist (look through the blog and magazine to get a feel for what gets published).
- Homepage: https://www.popularwoodworking.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.popularwoodworking.com/submission-guidelines/
- Pay: We hear $50 and up. Feature stories usually pay $1000 to $3000 for 2500+ words with 20 photos.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.
Rider Magazine

Got a motorcycle and love riding it everywhere? Send a query to Rider magazine and blog to see if they’re interested in your next (or latest) ride. Short day trips and more detailed multi-day rides are both fair game — just remember to take great photos. Anything motorcycle-related is worth pitching too.
- Homepage: https://ridermagazine.com/
- Contributor info: https://ridermagazine.com/contact-us/
- Pay: We hear $200+
- Contributor byline. Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.

Do you love traveling by motorcycle? You might have a great story for Roadrunner magazine and blog. They’re looking for stories about your motorcycle tour in the US and Canada. You could send them a story about your tour somewhere else, but they only allow a few international travel articles per issue. Photos are part of your article package, so make sure to include 30 to 50 high-quality digital photos. And speaking of sending things to Roadrunner, they want your completed article, no pitches.
- Homepage: https://www.roadrunner.travel/magazine/content/current/
- Contributor info: https://www.roadrunner.travel/reader-submissions/
- Pay: $100 for an 800 to 1000 word article with photos.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Runner’s World

Do you enjoy jogging and running? Consider pitching Runner’s World magazine and blog. You’ve got UK and US version to pitch. And more good news: you don’t have to be the perfect running machine to work with these publications. They’re looking for all levels of runners (and even non-running writers). What do they want? Stories that help beginners get started, experienced runners train better, and competitive runners hit new records. You’ll find some great examples and more details in the writer guidelines for both sites.
- Homepage: https://www.runnersworld.com/
- Contributor info: Check out how to pitch Runner’s World in the UK or Runner’s World in the US
- Pay: We hear $1 per word.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one.
Sailing Magazine

Sailing magazine and blog publish stories about learning to sail in your local lakes, crossing oceans in cruisers, and even competitive sailing. And they hire freelance writers (if you have experience sailing your chances of being published go up). Avoid pitching far-flung destinations. Their readers are more interested in sailing (and whether or not they can get to the destination without any extreme difficulties). Read the site and magazine, then go pitch them. And be patient, they may take up to 3 months to accept your pitch or article.
- Homepage: https://sailingmagazine.net/
- Contributor info: https://sailingmagazine.net/flex-32-writers-guidelines.html
- Pay: From $50 to $500 for articles (and $50 to $500 for photos too).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Sky and Telescope

Are you a star-gazing amateur astronomer and a freelance writer? Sky and Telescope magazine and website are always on the lookout for new writers with interesting new ideas. Staff and regular writers write about half of the magazine. The other half is written by journalists, researchers, and amateur astronomists too. What topics are they looking for? Current challenges and new discoveries in astronomy, how to get the most out of your equipment, taking great photos, important people and events in astronomy, and news about observatories. Read the magazine and website. Then send them a pitch. You could send a completed story, but they’d prefer a pitch.
- Homepage: https://skyandtelescope.org/
- Contributor info: https://skyandtelescope.org/writing-for-sky-telescope/
- Pay: Their rates are not published, but they pay enough to be on this list.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one on a separate page.

Slate hires freelance writers! It’s an enormous general interest site known for writing opinions and analysis. But they also publish a ton of sports articles. Do a site search for yourself and see. If you’ve got a favorite sport, go look at what it’s already done before you pitch them. And especially for Slate: do an internet search about your pitch idea (to make sure it’s not old news somewhere else). Slate wants to publish articles that no one else is writing.
- Homepage: https://slate.com/
- Contributor info: https://slate.com/pitch
- Pay: We hear $300
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a short one on a separate page with links.
Word Play’s Solver Stories in The New York Times

Are you a word puzzle lover? Answer the question, “How do my puzzles help connect me to other people?” And you may get published in The New York Times. You’ll have to do it in a personal essay that tells one hell of a story (about a problem in your life and how puzzle-solving helped you). We highly recommend you read the writer guidelines. Not only do they tell you what they want, but they also give you some outstanding advice about pitching (and story writing too).
- Homepage: https://www.nytimes.com/column/wordplay
- Contributor info: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/29/crosswords/solver-stories-submission-guidelines.html
- Pay: $200 for 800 to 1300 word personal essays.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with a link.
Sport Fishing Magazine

How much do you love saltwater fishing? If it makes your eyes light up, it’s time to check out Sport Fishing magazine and blog. Their readers are successful, boat-owning fishermen who are always looking to up their game. Think how-to-do-this-cool-new-technique, interesting fishing trip ideas, new gear (and how to use it), and conservation issues. Please only send queries. And read this great set of submission guidelines (with helpful insights about getting published). And you know…read the magazine and blog. Then pitch.
- Homepage: https://www.sportfishingmag.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.sportfishingmag.com/contributor/editorial-guidelines-and-policies/
- Pay: From $200 to $300 or more for digital articles. They pay $750 for print features (and more for photos).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
The Chronicle of the Horse

The Chronicle of the Horse Magazine and website (as well as their equestrian lifestyle magazine Untacked) pay freelance writers. They publish stories on topics like dressage, foxhunting, and steeple chasing. And they rely on freelancers regularly. They’re always looking for horse sports news stories, horse care articles, profiles about important figures in horse sports, and other ideas their readers will love. Read through their website and magazine to see if your ideas fit their style.
- Homepage: https://www.chronofhorse.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.chronofhorse.com/page/writers-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $150 to $400 (for feature or news stories).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.

The Two Plus Two online magazine and website publish articles about poker or gambling. Keep in mind they’re looking for more advanced poker topics (so don’t send them a pitch or finished article for beginner poker players). For example, advanced poker strategy, mathematics and game theory in gambling, or interviews with not-so-well-known people in the poker world are all on their wish list. You can pitch them or send a written piece (we recommend pitching first).
- Homepage: http://www.twoplustwo.com/magazine
- Contributor info: http://www.twoplustwo.com/magazine/contribute.php
- Pay: $200 for 1,000 to 2,000 words.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No.
Wooden Boat

How much do you know about wooden boats? Did you know there’s a magazine dedicated to designing, building, and caring for wooden boats. Profiles of past and present personalities, boat building how-tos, photo essays of boating events, or building and restorations, are all good directions for feature stories. Read through the site and magazine. Then send them a proposal or outline (and read the detailed writer guidelines for more tips on getting published).
- Homepage: https://www.woodenboat.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.woodenboat.com/woodenboat-editorial-guidelines
- Pay: We hear $250 to $300 per 1000 words for feature articles (and $25 to $350 for photos).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences with links.

The Worthpoint blog is hiring freelance writers. They publish articles and other content about collectibles. If it has value for collectors, chances are it’s on this site (or will be very soon). Get your resume ready and apply to work for them (as a freelancer). Once you’re approved, they’ll give you paid writing assignments. The more assignments you complete, the more you get paid. If antiques and collectibles are a topic you love, check out their website and apply.
- Homepage: https://www.worthpoint.com/
- Contributor info: https://www.worthpoint.com/page/careers
- Pay: $50 to $100 (for 450 to 1200 word articles).
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: No, but you get a writer’s page.
Yoga International

Yoga International is a membership website helping its readers learn about and practice yoga. And they hire freelance writers to write about health, well-being, and yoga. Do you already practice yoga? Would you love to write about it (and get paid)? Then check out their writer guidelines and their articles to see if this site is a good fit for you. Then get in touch with the site.
- Homepage: https://yogainternational.com/
- Contributor info: https://yogainternational.com/article/view/write-or-teach-for-yoga-international
- Pay: We hear $50 to $200.
- Contributor byline: Yes.
- Contributor bio: Yes, a few sentences and a photo.
This List Needs YOUR Help!
Have you written for one of these blogs? Will you tell us about your experience?
Or do you know of another blog that pays at least $50 per post on sports and leisure topics?
If you’ve got a tip about a blog that pays writers $50+, please send it to teambafb@gmail.com in exchange for our undying gratitude — thank you for your service.
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for this very informative article. I learned much about sports writing and how I can earn with this career.